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New Getting Started Guide

Whilst for many of you who are long time readers this won't be of much use, but I'm hoping that for anyone who visits for the first time and is thinking about getting into mobile music it will be a really handy starting point to get into mobile music.

But there are a couple of ways you can help. First off, if you know of someone who you think should give some mobile music making a go, then just send them a link to the page.

The other thing I'm after is some stories. What kind of stories you might ask? What I'm looking for are stories of how you got started with mobile music. A couple of paragraphs will do. I plan to publish them on the blog over time so if you do send me your story be prepared to see it published.

The guide is available here.

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Marlene DeGrood said...

There are a lot of very worthy apps that you have not included in your guide (which is a very good idea) ..... just curious as to why some were omitted, but if it's none of my business then you can say so :)

ashley said...

Marlene, I'm very happy to have feedback and I'd love to hear which apps you mean. If you can suggest other apps for this then please let me know

Marlene DeGrood said...

I think you could add Euphonics, SoundPrism, Bowls, FLOW:qin, maybe Melodica, and MorphWiz to the relaxing sounds category.

For making beats ... what about Beatmaker?

I'm only thinking about the ones that could stir an interest in a mobile music beginner .... otherwise there's just so many the list would be daunting.

ashley said...

I certainly agree with the relaxing sounds apps. I'll need to update that.

The reason I didn't put beatmaker in was partly on cost and partly because it is quite complicated as a sequencer, and you have to do quite a lot to get it to start making music whereas with apps like Looptastic you just drag the loop in and go!

Nick said...

Also for relaxing sounds: Aphonium & Emergence, Zen Music, and maybe even Mixtikl...

ashley said...

Nick, I think you're right about Aphonium, but Mixtikl is too complex for absolute beginners in my view. It can be daunting to be confronted with a grid and have to select stuff to put into cells whereas Aphonium and stuff like bloom just works straight away.