Here's an interesting app for notation. One that let's you write a score, but doesn't play it. That's right. No sound!
Here's the app's description:
This app is especially dedicated to musicians, composers, arrangers, teachers, students and everyone who creates sheet music very often, searching and waiting for such long time to have handy, easy to use notation app with great features.
Totally new user interface, “easy to understand” input method, you can finish writing much quicker than other music notation softwares. This app automatically creates pdf file so you can email it to your colleagues to share it or to yourself to printout. You’ll be surprised by what your iPhone can do with this iWriteMusic!
- Very Easy Input Method.
- Create Fabulous Looking Sheet Music in PDF to Email and Print.
- Great Page View: You can also adjust the size. Up to 15 tracks per page.
- Chord Only Track possible.
- Hide Track Setting: You can create parts very easily.
- Zoom in / Zoom out on both editor view and page view.
- Copy & Paste (except for Chords).
- Up to 10 undos with Shake to Undo (enable/disable).
- Easy Transpose.
- Articulations, Dynamics, Repeat Signs.
- Email function disabled.
- Water mark on page view.
- No Sound.
- Note Range (E3 to F6 on Treble Clef, G1 to A4 on Bass Clef)
- No Octave adjustments (8va, 8vb, 15ma, 15mb)
- No Harmony Writing on each track.
- No Slurs.
- No Key Change within a song.
- No Time Change within a song.
- No Data Transfer to other devices except for pdf file through email.
- Up to 40 Bars on 4/4 (may vary depending on your time signature setting and applications running in background)
- Work well on iPhone 3GS (or equivalent iTouch/iPad) or Higher. Can work on iPhone 3G, but responses may become slower and unstable around 8 bars). Please test on free version first.
- Text data (such as title, bar numbers) might be displayed with different font on computers when you open pdf files received through emails.
- Text data may not show up on Google Document.

I know nothing about sheet music/notation so can someone explain to me why being soundless is NOT stupid?
Search me. I can't understand releasing an app like this with no sound support
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