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Gary Numan at the Roundhouse, with an iPad!

I was at that gig and never noticed that he was using an iPad. I wonder what he was using it for?

iPads at the Apple Store

Clip to Evernote


Anonymous said...

German techno again really what is it with this site these days! ;)

ashley said...

It wasn't really the music that I was interested in with this clip.

In fact, I was only there to see John Foxx to his analogue set, which was brilliant.

I was just interested that Mr Numan was using an iPad although I don't know what he used it for.

Grumpy Tank said...

What is interesting to me is that there is a large audience paying money to watch two guys messing about on their laptops.

Anonymous said...

@ Grumpy Tank - The author of the original post can correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe this was a D.J. set and not a "performance" gig.

My wife and I are going to see Numan in Chicago in October. I'm really anticipating this show -- moreso since I found out he's double-billed with Alan Wilder's 'Recoil' project, which I am ashamed to admit I was not familiar with until recently.

Anonymous said...

I agree with what grumpy tank said LOL !

ashley said...

You're right it was a DJ set and not a 'gig' proper. Although I think most people who went were there to see John Foxx who was playing a proper gig.

Gary Numan was on later. Although he was supposed to be on first but was late!