iPhone App Directory

What will Amidio's new site bring?

Any guesses or clues? I'm hoping for some news on their own sequencer / host type app. Maybe we'll see something tomorrow! Exciting times.


Chris said...

Yeah, waiting so see what's going on at Amidio! Hope they solve the iolibrary issue soon!

Unknown said...

It's already updated! There's info about iLibrary 4, OMGuitar, WaveReign and Noise.io XT.

I like the idea of a new ioLibrary that "makes possible all the things we've dreamed about", but do we really need a 3rd cut/paste option? What do you think?

jaybry84 said...

I wish everyone just used Intua's method. It's the cleanest method and it's stable, unlike Sonoma's. Amidio is really hyping up the products they have coming and I hope they deliver.