TrixMix 2 is a DAW controller for the iPad. Here's the description:
WIFI DAW Mixer controller for music packages such as Ableton's LIVE, Propellerheads Reason, Apple Logic Pro, or any other music suite with MIDI access to the mixingboard.
Wirelessly control your music's mix, with built-in mixer, pans, and sends, transport, keyboard controller, and customizeable drum pads. Customize your music software to use TrixMix to fit your needs. Elegant UI makes it easy to navigate to things you need quickly, whether you're in the studio or onstage.
Visit http://iphone.monotonerecords.com to download WIFI receiver for OSX, Windows, or Linux, as well as pre-configured document templates for Reason and LIVE.
*Make sure both devices are on the SAME WIFI network. (If you notice a delay in response, try creating a new network from your computer and using that to connect the devices).
TrixMix 2 for iPad at the app store:

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