iPhone App Directory


I don't know much about this app except that it is one of the few free music apps for the iPad, so if you have an iPad don't forget to get it and let me know what you think. Here's the app's description:

Explore countless rhythmic possibilities by looping drum patterns of different lengths. Infinitely entertaining, never the same twice, and you don't have to be a drummer, musician, or engineer to be able to use it and have fun with it!

If you are running PolyRhythms version 1.0, please download the 1.0.1 update for improved performance and better documentation.

The two groups of buttons control the fast and slow rhythms. Fast rhythms are on the left side and slow rhythms are on the right side.

The leftmost beat in every row all play simultaneously at the beginning of the master loop, and will never all coincide again until the next beginning of the 840-beat pattern! Each time around around takes between 2-6 minutes depending on the tempo. The progress indicator (bottom) lets you know where you are in the master loop.

The top left button plays every single beat. Each successive row of buttons on the left represents a looping rhythm of a different length, and each button represents a beat in that loop. Beats can be touched on and off during playback to adjust the pattern as it cycles against other rhythms.

Each row of buttons on the right represents a different equal subdivision of the master loop, and each individual button is a unique location in the loop. These beats play only one time per cycle of the master loop - they mark your place in the cycle.

- High quality drum samples create a rich audio experience.
- Audio controls (top right) include Play/Pause, Restart, and Tempo.
- Tempo can also be varied smoothly in real time.
- Progress indicator (bottom) lets you know where you are in the master loop.
- Sessions (top left) can be saved and loaded back in during playback.

- Flexible mapping of sounds.
- New sounds will be available through in-app purchase.
- Share sessions between devices.

This is an ongoing project and we welcome your feedback. Please email your questions and comments to polyrhythms@xapnet.com.


David Wallin said...

I like this app - it'd be cool if it had different sound sets, but it's a pretty unique interface and sounds good.

robman84 said...

I know this isn't a Tenori-on app but you can imagine one comeing soon for the iPad from this screenshot!