iPhone App Directory

Video for the 3G

I guess it had to happen at some point didn't it? Someone was going to come up with a video app for the 3G, and I've found 2!

The first is Camcorder from Kenditech. The app store write up gives very little in the way of detail for this app except that the recording time is unlimited.

The second is called iVideoCamera from Laan Labs. Sadly I don't seem to be able to get to their web site, but this app seems to have some sharing options included in it too.

At the moment they're both priced at £0.59 / $0.99 so I'm going to give them a go and see what they're like and I'll let you know what I think.

Camcorder at the app store:
Camcorder (for iPhone 3G and 2G)

iVideoCamera at the app store:
iVideoCamera - Record Video on any phone

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Anonymous said...

Shame Camcorder won't save to the iPod video library. But great that this thing actually works!

ashley said...

It is, you're right, the other one, iVideoCamera can though!