iPhone App Directory

Arcs 21

CreativeApplications posts on this beautiful art application Arcs 21, which is free from developer Lia.

Arcs 21 at the app store:

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Marlene DeGrood said...

I've been thinking this for a long time and wanting to say something ..... so it's time to do so .... I think it is sooooo cool that you throw in some non music type apps into your blog. I come here because I'm always looking for the new and unusual regarding music but I'm also into art and photography apps ..... you always seem to please. Thank You!!!! This is the site that I come to first when I open my web browser .... just thought it was time to tell you how I feel.

ashley said...

Marlene, that is so kind of you to say that. That really has made my whole day! Thank you so much.

I do like to find photography and art apps whenever I can. I plan to include a few in my 24 apps of 2009. I'd like to do more on video apps, but I'm still on a 3G and really can't justify the upgrade to a 3GS at the moment, but hopefully I'll be able to do it next year.

Thanks again for your kind comment.