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2010 Resolutions?

I mostly steer away from new year's resolutions, but this year I do have a few personal ones, the main one of which is to make more music and get my head into more mobile music and general music tech in a big way.

Do you have any resolutions for 2010, or at least any you want to share?

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MikiStrange said...

My resolution for the new year is to get my top ten onto Palm Sounds. I'm kinda glad I waited though because I've been playing with Gliss which has turned out to be a really good app. Incredibly simple but creates fantastic ambient sounds.

Pierre Fontaine said...

I just posted my resolutions onto Facebook, and they having to do with music!

Foremost, I need to loose a good 20 pounds (or more.

I want to design some more "kid friendly" paper models.

I want to get at least 30 seconds of new animation under my belt.

And as always, I want to create alot more music too!