iPhone App Directory

Moogie synth for the iPhone

Thanks to Kris for tweeting this. I haven't tried this app as yet but it looks great doesn't it. Interestingly it is built using code from Mobile Synth which was an open source app. Mobile Synth hasn't been updated for a few months, but wasn't a bad little synth app, so I'm hoping that this app will be really good. Plus, it is only £0.59! So I'm off to buy it now!

Moogie at the app store:

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GiuseppeL said...

More to spend..

ashley said...

True. Although I don't think my app store habit has been as bad this month. That is, so far anyway.

I guess there just haven't been so many apps released. Also I think Apple are taking a load more time on music apps over everything else.

Pighood said...

Cute effort, OK sound...buggy clicky envelope release Could use some more options in modulation and presets.