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The Stylophone Orchestra Of Great Britain Plays Kraftwerk’s The Model

I don't think I can really add anything. Via Synthtopia.

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the6thduke said...

"I don't think I can really add anything"

I can.

It's already been done before already, 4 years back in fact, by my good friend Brian Duffy and his Modified Toy Orchestra (and a Stylophone or two!). :D


It's the problem with doing "PostModern", its like, all been done before, as they say......

On the other hand, just downloaded NLog 2.0 which is great :D

ashley said...

Wow, I didn't know you knew Brian. I've only seen the Modified Toy Orchestra once and they were brilliant. I also heard him give a talk at Kinetica Museum when it was around.

I always loved their version of pocket calculator. Any idea on when their new CD is coming out? It has been in the offing for quite a while now.

the6thduke said...

Haha! If you like, I WAS a founding member of the MTO! Well Brian and I did a gig together in Birmingham, Brian on modified camera and Barbie doll, and me on a Nord Modular (hardly modified?!) Brian goes back a long way in Birmingham, and if you like, Brian is a contemporary of the band Autechre.

The other half of the ZX Spectrum orchestra (change the subject), is Mike Johnston (who is also a close friend of mine). Mike was a founding member of the Warp band 'Plone'. All the Spectrum programming is by Mike. He's a very talented bloke.



However, due to family commitments, I haven't seen either for a year or so now. I have no idea when the LP is due. The 1st (MTO) one took several years to make- so anyone knows!

(PS, I did email you ages back explaining who I was, but I never heard back).

ashley said...

Sorry about the email, I had trouble with emails, loads of spam and not a great deal of time (especially up to a couple of months ago) what with work, family etc.

I have the ZX Spectrum orchestra CD and the 1st MTO too. I love Dollar Power it is awesome and stays on my favs playlist.

I'd love to do something on the ZX Spectrum orchestra, I think that was really underrated.

So what are you up to now?