iPhone App Directory

No new Palm or Windows Mobile software?

I've been searching for new or updated Palm or Windows Mobile apps for ages now, and with the exception of Sunvox there's next to nothing to talk about.

This really is a sad state for these platforms, as they have both supported some truly excellent music applications over the years. It would be such a shame if developers really did walk away.

I don't know what could happen to change this. Whether the Pre and webOS will help, or Windows Mobile 7 for that matter.

So, if you have any news of Palm or Windows Mobile music or sound applications please let me know.

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Anonymous said...

Yes, that's true. Development of music creation applications for these platforms is severely lacking. I hope some developers take more interest in this area because being able to create music on a mobile device is such a neat thing. :)

ashley said...

I hope they do as well, but unless the likes of Microsoft manage to create a real portal like the app store I don't think that developers will see the revenue in other platforms.

I hope to be wrong.