Whilst this is a rather quiet launch, I have to say that I am impressed with the Treo 800w already. Palm have finally released a device that offers wifi, GPS, and bluetooth! All with a 320 x 320 touchscreen and lots of memory too. Ok, it is a windows mobile device, but at least that means that you'll be able to run Bhajis Loops and Microbe under styletap.
The upside is that you can also run Griff, MeTeoR and TrakAx Mobile. Now it starts to sound like a real mobile multi-media tool, unlike another recent smartphone introduced to the market!
But doesn't running Bhajis Loops under Styletap limit the sample rate to 11khz?
Oliver Gillet writes that http://www.bhajis-garden.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=675
Of course that was a year ago. Are newer devices capable of running at a higher samplerate?
BTW great blog.
Martin, I've been using Bhajis on a Dell Axim for a while now, and it runs at 22khz fine. The Dell has a 600mhz processor so performance is not an issue.
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