Hi!Im yuhki from JP. This blog looks so nice.I have been looking for the windows mobile software that can use as MIDI controller.I used to play music using ableton live. and I'm supposed to buy new MIDI controller. but any controller doesnt satisfy me.so I was thinking ,what if I can control its MIDI parameter from my PDA like a JazzMutant or KAOSSPAD using finger.
my english sucks , so I didnt read all of your blog yet.but I thought you might be the person who can program it or at least know something about that kind of software. so I wrote this comment.if you have any idea let me know . bye
I'm guessing the kind of thing you're looking for is something like this:

Which I'd love to see too, but sadly is unlikely to ever see the light of day. As for me being able to write something like that? Not at present, I've got a lot of learning to do to get to that level.
One think you might try is AxisPad from miniMusic, as far as I know you can access MIDI using that but not wirelessly. In fact I've just checked the miniMusic site and it says the following:
AxisPad can send MIDI data to attached electronic musical instruments or other MIDI hardware. While using MIDI, AxisPad can be set to send all manner of control change data to manipulate panning or modulation, simulate a breath controller, after-touch, or adjust many other performance and sound parameters.
So worth checking out AxisPad. As far as I can remember the MIDI features will require a pre-OS5 Palm device, the Palm IIIc should be fine and you could connect a midi cable to the serial output from there.
In fact, I really should give that a go myself!
Hi! Pete here again from intermorphic. :)
Just for historical information really, miniMIXA V3 had an XY-control in it. We always wanted to have that output MIDI controller data via an external MIDI port... but the right device drivers were never around at the time. So it only worked on internal synths/effects. Oh well!
On a related note, noatikl V1.5 (which is now out) in addition to being used as a MIDI generator, can itself respond to incoming MIDI events, and can even self-script using internal triggerable Lua scripts. :) If I ever do another mobile app, I'll definitely look to include these sorts of ideas, as it'd be wonderful to build this sort of stuff into mobile devices...!
All the best, Pete
Be great if this ever got back on the stocks.
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