iPhone App Directory

Pixilang examples

I posted on Pixilang a few days ago. Well I got around to trying some of the examples yesterday. I took some video of it which you might be interested in.

The example files that are packaged in the download show a wide variety of the capabilities of the language, so I shall be giving it a go and hopefully making some of my own soon.


NightRadio said...

I want to say, that the new Pixilang release will be with "Export to AVI" feature!
At the moment test-version working on the Windows machines only. But it's nice: we can save any Pixi animation to AVI files with sound!
THis also will be working on Linux and may be on Mac. But about the last one i can't say difinitely, because i need enthusiast that can port Pixi to MacOS devices :)

Anonymous said...

dommage qu'on ne puisse pas mieux voir ce qui se passe dans cette vidéo

goglus said...

pixilang demo (video)