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FutureSonic 2008

I got this email from FutureSonic today.

"Futuresonic Music - Submit Now

In 2008 we invite musicians to share their take on innovative, original and daring 21st century music with our audience. Futuresonic's roots are in post-dub electronic music, and it showcases genre defying great live music. Futuresonic will be able to support a limited number of performances.

Music Submissions deadline -- 5pm, 7th February 2008

Futuresonic EVNTS - Submit Now

Futuresonic now invites any programmer, curator, promoter, label or artist group anywhere in the world to take part in EVNTS 2008, a city-wide showcase of affiliated events. EVNTS has grown into a community of people who each year return to give the festival an extra edge. Awards of £1000 and £500 are available via the EVNT Competition.

EVNTS Competition deadline -- 5pm, 7th February 2008
EVNTS 2008 showcase deadline -- 5pm, 20th March 2008"

I wonder if there'll be anything in the mobile music space at FutureSonic next year?

Anyone up for participating?

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