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Midnight CZzzzzzzzz's ****Casio Cz-101 and Drum Jam**** by MariaCalfa-DePaul

I wanted to do a composition with the cz-101 that demonstrated that the cz can do traditional instruments; not just the sci fi "synthy sounds" which I love but not for every song!! I used two presets. The Flute and the String Ensemble. HOWEVER, I ran then in audiobus as the input and put Harmony Voice on the Flute in the FX slot and put Master FX in the FX spot for the Strings. I actually recorded the flute and the drum jam rhythm track at the same time. (using the audiobus lanes ) I then played the free style drums in drum jam over the first drum track and then I added the second melody which is the string track. I used WOW on one drum jam track and Tornado on the other drum jam track to beef them up. I then mixed it using the PSP MicroWarmer and then audio copied it into Audio Mastering. I used the Easy Listening Preset but reduced the input as it was a bit hot. Then I added some compression. I then uploaded to soundcloud. Hope you like it and thanks for listening.
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