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A new blog on Android music making

Here's a post from Musical Android about another new Android music blog called The Android Music Project. Confused? If you're an Android music maker then just follow through the links and it'll all make sense.

If you're not then just move along ...


AmeriZealander said...

Hey, this is the author from the Android Music Project. Thanks for helping spread the word, just found this post and your blog via Google search.

Feel free to contact me about anything at androidmusicproject@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Hey, this is the author from the Android Music Project. Thanks for helping spread the word, just found this post and your blog via Google search.

Feel free to contact me about anything at androidmusicproject@gmail.com

Unknown said...

I have a android phone online store and i want to create some blogs to improve my traffic but i was see your blogs and i was happy to get some idea to your blogs thanks a lot you create a good blogs i hope you do more blogs ^^