Hello Kickstarter
We welcome you to the UK, but please don't have too many cool synth and mobile projects as I don't know that my wallet will take it.
Let's see what comes ...
Let's see what comes ...
Audulus arrives for your iPad
Here are the details:
Audulus, the popular modular synthesis app, is now for iPad! Get it now at a low limited-time introductory price!
With Audulus, you can build synthesizers, design new sounds, or process audio. All with low latency real-time processing suitable for live performance. Audulus's user interface is clean, simple, and easy to learn, allowing you to focus on sound.
Please note: Audulus for iPad Requires iOS 6
Key Features:
- Fluid Vector Interface - smooth animated interaction
- MIDI control - use your control surface or MIDI keyboard
- Polyphony - process multiple voices
- Diverse Nodes - from ADSR to ZeroCross
- Patch Browser - quickly flip through your patches
- 32-bit floating-point signal processing
- Presets - quickly change between patch configurations
- Unlimited History - every undo is stored in the file
- Encapsulation - group nodes into sub-patches
- Audio Copy / Paste
- Audiobus support
- iCloud support
- Virtual Analog Oscillator (4 classic waveforms)
- ADSR Envelope
- Noise Generator
- Mathematical Modules: Addition, Multiplication, Subtraction, Sine, Modulo
- Random Number Generator
- MIDI controlled Keyboard
- MIDI assignable trigger
- Delay
- Distortion
- Low Pass Filter
- High Pass Filter
- Pitch Shifter
- Constant Value
- Gain
- Mapper Curve
- Piecewise-linear Spline Curve
- Sample and Hold
- Crossfade
- 4-Channel Mixer
- Level Meter
- Value Meter
- Scrolling Waveform Meter
- Input/Output
- Polyphonic to Monophonic signal mixer
- Global Time
- Sub-Patch
- Timer
- Zero-crossing Counter

Music Box Composer update
Music Box Composer updates to 2.0. Here's what's new:
New! Support for 20 and 30 note strips added, with new recordings from physical 20 and 30 note music boxes: switch between strip types in the Options dialog.
Extendable strips - extend the strip length as much as you need for a single strip, with extended strips exporting to JPG as up to 10 individual strips in a single image file. Access via the new '+' and '-' buttons to the right of the strip, so they are there when you need them.
New sample strips installed - 'Romeo & Juliet' and 'Swan Lake'.
Strips now export to JPG rather than PNG. Pre-editing of strip BG disabled due to memory limitations - edit the exported strips to customise.
New! Support for 20 and 30 note strips added, with new recordings from physical 20 and 30 note music boxes: switch between strip types in the Options dialog.
Extendable strips - extend the strip length as much as you need for a single strip, with extended strips exporting to JPG as up to 10 individual strips in a single image file. Access via the new '+' and '-' buttons to the right of the strip, so they are there when you need them.
New sample strips installed - 'Romeo & Juliet' and 'Swan Lake'.
- Delete strip button added to strips in the Loader.
- Using 2 fingers to pan no longer sometimes adds notes - 2 finger panning should now be a reliable part of your music box composer workflow.
- Fixed display of illegal music box notes (where a note cannot be followed by the same note without a quarter note delay)
- Illegal notes were incorrectly only displayed if sharp notes were allowed.
- With loop off, the current timeline is now left at the end of the strip rather than being returned somewhere.
- Loading with more than 7 strips is not as jumpy.
- The copy operation no longer clears the copy buffer if there are no notes selected.
Strips now export to JPG rather than PNG. Pre-editing of strip BG disabled due to memory limitations - edit the exported strips to customise.

Jordan Rudess and Morphwiz on the Lenovo A720 with Windows 8
"Jordan wowing us in his piano room at his home in NY. I just set up the PC (Jordan's first PC) and installed the apps before Jordan sat down to play. The PC is a Lenovo A720 running Windows 8 RTM, with 10 point multi-touch at 1920x1080. The app is MorphWiz by Wizdom Music."
Interesting stuff happening in Windows world, I wonder where this will go and if others will follow?
I'm a sucker for drum machine apps, and at this price who can argue?
It looks great for $0.99. Here are the details:
Beat-Machine is a powerful retro themed drum computer for iOS. It combines a simple X0X style sequencer with a robust and flexible sampler to give you maximum control over your beats.
- Sound sampler with reverse, sample trim, interpolation, ADSR and filter
- 16 Levels mode for pitching samples to create melodies
- Full mixer with volume, pan and 2 FX sends per pad (Delay, Reverb)
- Mute grid for programming samples to mute other samples
- Import any 16/24 bit WAV via iTunes file sharing
- Create custom kits and save them
- 16 step muti touch pattern sequencer
- Adjustable pitch and velocity per step
- Create and save custom patterns
- Create patterns in 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 5/8 or 7/8 time signature
- Up to 99 measures per pattern
- Beat quantize adjustment slider
- Adjustable latency and sample rate
- Background audio
- MIDI IN, MIDI OUT supported through CoreMIDI accessories and WiFi
- Universal app designed for iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch
- MIDI support

AudioStretch for iOS arrives
AudioStretch lets you change the playback speed of audio files without changing the pitch and/or change the pitch without changing the speed. Handy for learning music by ear, transcription, or just listening to your music library in a new way.
Unlike most audio time stretching apps, AudioStretch allows you to reduce the speed to zero, so you can "freeze" notes or chords, and can even play backwards at variable speed.
• Simple uncluttered user interface
• Use any song in your iPhone's music library (*)
• Super-easy single-button looping feature
• Plays during fast-forward and rewind for quicker navigation
• Wide range of playback speeds: -200% to +200%
• Freeze notes or chords with 0% play speed
(*) Other than very old iTunes purchases that are protected with FairPlay DRM. Files beyond 1 hour in length will be truncated.
- This version crashes in iOS 5. Please ensure you're using iOS 6 before installing AudioStretch 1.0, or wait for the next version.
- Requires iPhone 4 or better. You can probably install on an iPhone 3GS, but it's unlikely to run well.
The app is free

Beautiful bC16 on eBay
I've always wanted one of these, but ever since they stopped being made the prices on eBay haven't been kind. This one's no exception.
Chimera Synthesis bC16 - Tiny modular synthesizer
GlitchBreaks on sale for one more day
This is the box the molecules will come in
Which is much better than the cardboard that they originally planned, but it does look like a lunch box though.
Audiobus Demo at the London Mobile Music Makers meet
As promised here's a small excerpt from tonight's demo of audiobus. As soon as I've got more video I'll post it.
Audiobus talk at the London Mobile Music Makers meet up
Well the first London Mobile Music Makers meet saw Michael from Audiobus talk about the app and how it's developed as well as giving a demo and showing how to implement the SDK into your own app.
I'm going to upload a brief video of part of the demo but also I hope to have the video from the whole event in the next couple of days as well so I'll upload that as soon as it's available.
Google Announces Nexus 10 Tablet, but ...
Will it fix the latency issues? The latency on my Nexus 7 under Caustic 2 is currently 72ms, which is no good for anything really. Google had said that latency was something that they were going address, but things have been quiet since the Nexus 7 launch.
So if anyone knows if Android 4.2 will solve these issues I'd like to hear about it.
So if anyone knows if Android 4.2 will solve these issues I'd like to hear about it.
iKaossilator still on sale
If you're interested in the Space Baby, look here
Having mentioned the space baby delay I thought you might like to know a bit more about it. If you do, you can find it here.
Nebulophone & Space Baby
Nice sounds! Interesting idea to use infrared for beat syncing. Reminds me of the Palm OS use of infrared for passing data mainly, but there was at least one music (sound toy) app that made use of it.
A final reminder for today's London Mobile Music Meet up
Sign up here, and spread the word as much as you can please! Or just turn up!
We will have Michael from Audiobus speaking so I hope to see you on Tuesday. I'm sure this is going to be the start of a great monthly event for everyone in London involved in mobile music, so come along at the start.
We will have Michael from Audiobus speaking so I hope to see you on Tuesday. I'm sure this is going to be the start of a great monthly event for everyone in London involved in mobile music, so come along at the start.
SoundMachine Building Music using multiple tracks
I know it isn't mobile but it is just so cool that I had to post it.
Glitchbreaks still on sale
iOS Musician on Ableton acknowledging the mobile ecosystem for Live
This was just a short piece at iOS Musician, but it made me firstly look at Live 9 and especially the part of that page that talks about iOS and Android controllers, and also look at Push as well, and both of those things got me thinking.
Of course it's good to see that Ableton acknowledge the many applications that have grown up around but it does make me wonder if they'll ever do anything in the mobile space themselves. They don't have to of course, other have done a very good job of it so far, so you could argue that it becomes less of a priority.
But the description of Push got me thinking. The refer to it as "An instrument for song creation that fits in your backpack with your laptop", and that sounds kind of mobile to me, or at least heading in that direction.
It makes me wonder if in time we could see a Push Mikro in the same way as we saw Maschine Mikro? Who knows. One thing is for sure, Ableton acknowedge that mobile is not going away, that it's a valuable part of the ecosystem and that you can't ignore it.
That's good enough for now.
Synth1 Coming to iOS (via Matrixsynth)
I didn't know about this software synth, but this post from Matrixsynth has lots more detail. My only thought is that it looks pretty hard to use on that iPhone in the picture. Reminds me of Rebirth.
Audiobus publishes the state of the bus
The lovely people at Audiobus publish a detailed view of where they're at. Well worth a read, and what's more if you come along to the London Mobile Music Makers meetup tomorrow night you can ask questions in person.
FL Studio Mobile 2 | What's New?
The Olive Shoots - Arcticus (video made with an iPad 3, really?)
According to the video description:
Music made with the iPhone 4 and video on the iPad 3.
For details of what app(s) were used, take a look here (thanks to iOS Musician).
Whatever happened to Tympanum?
I'd been looking forward to this for some time. Now that it's well over a year since it was due to go out I don't think it'll ever see the light of day.
What a shame.
Free custom soundbanks for NanoStudio from Platinum Audiolab
Available from Platinum Audiolab right now. Here's what they say about their new banks for NanoStudio:
We are huge fans of the versatile iOS daw app "Nanostudio" by Blip Interactive. As a way of saying "thanks" and to give something back to the community, we are offering our custom soundbanks exclusively for Nanostudio iPhone and iPad users. We have taken patches from some of our top-selling products and adapted them for use in Nanostudio's EDEN synthesizer/sampler, as well as custom drum kits for the TRG-16 mpc styled drum machine that both come with Nanostudio. Also included is a Dubstep demo track completely composed using these sounds and loadable in Nanostudio.
You can find them here.
We are huge fans of the versatile iOS daw app "Nanostudio" by Blip Interactive. As a way of saying "thanks" and to give something back to the community, we are offering our custom soundbanks exclusively for Nanostudio iPhone and iPad users. We have taken patches from some of our top-selling products and adapted them for use in Nanostudio's EDEN synthesizer/sampler, as well as custom drum kits for the TRG-16 mpc styled drum machine that both come with Nanostudio. Also included is a Dubstep demo track completely composed using these sounds and loadable in Nanostudio.
You can find them here.

Look at the latency on that
Whilst Caustic 2 is actually a really good app on Android, but the latency is massive. Well, you can see it for yourself above. Even so, once it's running it sounds great and I think it's an excellent music app.
alive by orlando
Described as iphone folk. it was all (except the vocal) done with thumbjam, soundprism, sunrizer and alchemy on an iphone. how to tag? written by john stuart and hilary james. an orlando tune.
This is an odd one and I am thinking of adding an acoustic guitar or two and remixing, but if someone would like the vocal stem to do their own thing, I think this is a good one to experiment with. message me if you'd like it.
I'm not sure if I posted this before, but even if I did then it's worth sharing it again.
Old MiniMusic Apps running on an iPhone 3G
Using the old StyleTap emulator on my 3G, and it works very well indeed. SoundPad from miniMusic and AxisPad too.
In case you missed this ... AudioSteam Lite has arrived
I mentioned this the other day, but you may have missed it so I thought I'd post it again especially because the developer is Ariel Elkin who is the organiser of the London Mobile Music Meet up which is set for Tuesday the 30th.
So if you did miss this, here's what you missed:
Features of this amazing Steampunk-inspired app
- Control realtime effects created by you and your environment through your iPhone or iPod!
- Imagine having a personal theremin right on your device that you control by tilting it! || Or changing voice to sound like a robot. || Several different effects and settings to play with!
- Great original story and instructions.
- Beautiful Steampunk-inspired graphics and interface.
- Great for both kids and adults!
You've just inherited a most peculiar device from a relative you had long forgotten about. Your family had always said your Great Uncle was a mad man who dabbled in Sonic Alchemy. Obsessed with harassing sounds of an unearthly origin which he called "taming the audio steam"
Please plugin your headphones before using AudioSteam! iPod users: please plugin headphones with mic.

KORG's iKaossilator still 50% off
Reminder: London Mobile Music Makers Meet Up on
Sign up here, and spread the word as much as you can please!
We will have Michael from Audiobus speaking so I hope to see you on Tuesday. I'm sure this is going to be the start of a great monthly event for everyone in London involved in mobile music, so come along at the start.
We will have Michael from Audiobus speaking so I hope to see you on Tuesday. I'm sure this is going to be the start of a great monthly event for everyone in London involved in mobile music, so come along at the start.
And then there's the Buddha Machine for iOS too
3 generations of Buddha Machine
Whilst I'm on the subject of Buddha Machines, I thought I'd find a few videos of them. This one shows three generations of the Buddha Machine.
Buddha Machine 4 now available
If you've used the Buddha Machine app (on iOS) you probably know about the hardware device, which is a nice little piece of kit. Now version 4 is available here, and it immediately goes on my list of things to get.
Dropbox reminder
Mobile Music Spotify list
I've posted about this before, but if you're interested here's the link for the playlist of mobile based music. You can add your stuff to it, or just enjoy it.
DrumJam getting WIST and stuff for Animoog (via iOS Musician)
In a couple of brief posts iOS Musician tells us that DrumJam is going to implement WIST, and also that there's some cool new stuff coming along to Animoog as well.
REACTABLE: Reactattack - Video DEMO
Video description:
This is a video demo of "Reactattack", my new Reactable mobile table, with 16 new onirical loops and 4 trance performances.
You can download these loops for your Reactable mobile or Reactable Live, in Reactable Community, search "Mexico" or "Victor" and visit my Reactable channel.
Via Discchord.
AudioSteam Lite has arrived
If real time audio mangling is your thing then you should really take a look at AudioSteam lite (and in fact the full version which is only $0.99 anyway). The description for both is the same, but the lite/free version is ad supported.
Personally I love this kind of app so it's right up my street and I've been using the full version for a while now.
Features of this amazing Steampunk-inspired app
- Control realtime effects created by you and your environment through your iPhone or iPod!
- Imagine having a personal theremin right on your device that you control by tilting it! || Or changing voice to sound like a robot. || Several different effects and settings to play with!
- Great original story and instructions.
- Beautiful Steampunk-inspired graphics and interface.
- Great for both kids and adults!
You've just inherited a most peculiar device from a relative you had long forgotten about. Your family had always said your Great Uncle was a mad man who dabbled in Sonic Alchemy. Obsessed with harassing sounds of an unearthly origin which he called "taming the audio steam"
Please plugin your headphones before using AudioSteam! iPod users: please plugin headphones with mic.

Digitial Theremin for iOS arrives
Reminder: London Mobile Music Makers Meet up on Tuesday
Sign up here, and spread the word as much as you can please!
We will have Michael from Audiobus speaking so I hope to see you on Tuesday. I'm sure this is going to be the start of a great monthly event for everyone in London involved in mobile music, so come along at the start.
We will have Michael from Audiobus speaking so I hope to see you on Tuesday. I'm sure this is going to be the start of a great monthly event for everyone in London involved in mobile music, so come along at the start.
A bit about Wooji Juice's Grain Science
If you're a user then you should have a read of what Wooji are saying about their latest app updated.
Arduino Synth 3.0 Demo
This looks like something worth keeping an eye on. Here's the video description:
This is all coming from ONE arduino. Realtime. Single take. No external effects used except a little bit of bass eq and my compressor. The noise is on the second synth output going to the compressor sidechain. Sequenced on my mpc, but I'll have a sequencer built-in eventually!
Also, sorry for the awkward ending...
Via BeatmakerTV.
Peter Brinkmann & Rich Eakin: Real-time audio synthesis with libpd
Peter Brinkmann & Rich Eakin: Real-time audio synthesis with libpd from New York iOS Developer Meetup on Vimeo.
Well there's a fair amount of that to get through for a Sunday morning.
Do you need a 'free' or 'lite' version anymore?
Apparently this is coming along anyway, but is it a good idea? I don't seem to recall so many 'lite' apps appearing anymore, so I wonder if it is needed these days. What do you think?
FL Studio Mobile 2.0 - first impressions
FL Studio Mobile 2.0 - first impressions from iOS Musician.
FL Studio Mobile HD updated
As per the iPhone version, the HD version gets the same treatment:
- Audio tracks: audio recording (with monitoring), iPod library import, wav/mp3/aac import, AudioPaste
- Wave editor: cut, trim, normalize, reverse, insert silence, fade in/out (3 curves)
- Up to 8 channel simultaneous audio recording, compatibility with all class-compliant CoreAudio gear
- The HD version is now a Universal App (runs on all devices)
- iPad retina display graphics
- Amped Guitar & Bass pack in the shop
- Background audio and Virtual MIDI (new option in the general setup)
- New sharing option: Dropbox
- Minimum iOS requirement is 4.2

MIDI and more coming to Notion
Lots of new features coming to Notion for iPad according to this post from iOS Musician.
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