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The Dark Knight Rises Z+ arrives!

Want to feel like you are IN the movie? This is the app for that!

Get the official Augmented Soundtrack Experience from the makers of The Dark Knight Rises.
  • Z+ Augmented Sound will transform your world into Gotham City. YOU ARE IN IT!
  • Experience music by Hans Zimmer in a totally new way.
  • Access over 2 hours of new and exclusive music including the extended “Origins” soundtrack
  • Free exclusive behind-the-scenes commentary with composer Hans Zimmer and director Christopher Nolan.
  • Fly the BAT with the actual movie sound effect simulator by Academy Award® winning sound designer Richard King.
Experience amazing Z+ realtime augmented sound, including new and exclusive music from the movie only available in this app.

Z+ augmented sound changes your perception of reality. Your world will be transformed into Gotham City. YOU ARE IN IT!

"I’m hoping to give fans of this beloved trilogy the opportunity to fully immerse themselves in the soundscapes and atmospheres of the world of the Dark Knight. This new app allows users to be part of the film in a way that goes beyond the movie screen—it’s the difference between looking at a photo of a river, and being able to drop your hand over the side of the boat and feel the currents of the water tug as the river takes you on a journey." Hans Zimmer

"Hans sets creative goals for every film that are higher than you ever thought practical…or even reachable." Christopher Nolan

"A CD has tracks that are frozen in time. A Z+ app has musical worlds that evolve and adapt to the listener. Hans is making full use of these possibilities."
Michael Breidenbruecker

The app is free.

The Dark Knight Rises Z+ - Reality Jockey Ltd.

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