iPhone App Directory

Palm Sounds is turning 5, here's 5 things you can do to help: 2

Continuing the theme of stuff you can do to help out with Palm Sounds big 5th birthday, here's the second way you can help.

2: Spread the Word about mobile music.

I often find that people are totally amazed by what can be achieved musically with such a tiny device. Musicians underestimate what mobile devices can do, and non-musicians assume that you have to be musical to be creative. I try and dispel those preconceptions whenever I can, and I guess you might hear the same kinds of thing.

So number 2 is to tell people about mobile music, show them what you're making, play them something, let them mess with an app, and if you can tell them about Palm Sounds.

Of course, if you can link to Palm Sounds too, that would be great too.

Clip to Evernote


rondema said...

Just try and shut me up about it!

NanoStudio on iPad has literally transformed my workflow. All things considered, the best music creation software I have ever used (and apart from protools I've used the lot in my time)

Happy Birthday PalmSounds


Anonymous said...

I still get mocked for having ditched my pc setup (a mac is still a pc in my mind). I always send my musician friends here, but I'm pretty sure they don't even bother following the link. Have converted one friend who killed his laptop and couldn't afford a new one. We're slowly working on an album together now (I'm quite ill, he has night school, it's hard finding time to get together) and just using my GarageBand as a multitrack. Everyone else is about the Abelton etc, but when you're up on the dj podium and one of you is mixing and the other is dropping live samples and playing a fat 303 bassline over the top, you suddenly don't care anymore. It's made music making fun for me again (just playing with a simple app like modrum which is FUN for 5-10mins can kill most creative blocks whereas I'd usually quit for the night in the old days)...


Anonymous said...

I kindove have a rep among my friends of an iPhone Music Apps nerd I never stop talking about it sometimes...


Anonymous said...

yesterday i was @ a musicshop to buy an fxbox to with the ipad, they thought i was a cracy nerd, lol

Anonymous said...

ähm, to go with the ipad

ashley said...

@2Potato: Sorry to hear you're not well, I hope you get better soon, and please let me know about the album you're working on when you get it sounding the way you want.

@swalker133: I have exactly the same problem!

Garloo said...

Having been recording stuff with the iphone and comming here for some years it has been fun seeing all the developments.

Most musicians and people do not believe me about what you can do.I do send a lot of people along to the site here though.

In my band we do sections two of us on phones and a side project of just electronics. People see that we used our phones ipads to play and are very curious about it.

Over the weekend I ran into a pretty high profile musician who is doing a lot with one and had a rather long conversation about it with ipad / iphone music stuff.

So it is growing and becoming more mainstream. Of course the apps are of very professional quality so we are either prime time or mid jumping the shark.

uncentered said...

happy birthday palm sounds!

i too am known as somewhat of an iOS music software nerd (after years of being unimpressed with the benefits of a mac over a PC) and have learnt heaps from this blog. great to have such a knowledgeable resource where for the most part people treat each other with respect, so rare on the internets these days.

i am sure in the future when mobile music is the norm not the exception palms sounds will be remembered!

Anonymous said...

@Palm/Ashley: it happens, and I could get hit by a bus tomorrow anyway. And thank god we have decent healthcare here in Australia (I got drunk one night and bought an 808 with the money I was meant to use for my health insurance. Oh hindsight, how cruel you are). But it's really given me a kick in the arse and made me finish up all those half finished projects I have sitting on various apps (before I send it to my friend who has the real talent for him to tweak it and make it "better"). I'll never truly be happy with it (tis a tortured life us artists live ;-)), but yeah, I'll pass it on when it's done. Don't care if it's cheesy, don't care if it's crap, just care that I finish it and that I'M proud of it.

And thanks for the well wishes, means more than you thought it would when you said that. Your site has been a great help lately. Kinda sick of everyone being sympathetic towards me, and here I can just be an anonymous person who gets drunk every so often and talks crap. So, again, thanks!
