iPhone App Directory

Evolver.fm: Ion Piano Master at CES

And running the excellent Xewton Music Studio too! I wonder if it is running the same SDK as the SS25 or if it is something new?

Via Evolver.fm.

Music Studio - Alexander Gross

iPads at the Apple Store

Clip to Evernote

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

At $270, I think Ion really missed the mark. For that price you could probably do better without it:

For example:
$100 midi controller of your choice
$40 midi interface
$40 cck
$50 iPad stand

Each of these items also serves other uses (and most of us already have a few of them around).

I strongly doubt that there is enough demand for this type of product for it to be competitive at the present time.

That said, I'd want a product like this but with no speakers, better aesthetics, smaller keys, and a smaller range---for about $150.
