iPhone App Directory

App Store Surpasses 10 Billion Downloads

That is a really big number and very impressive indeed. No word as yet on who is the lucky winner of the $10,000 iTunes gift.

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brian said...

For me, the number is not indacative of as such : out of all the apps i' v bought so far, i only use about one tenth. All the rest are the result of trial and error and quick disinterest, the novalty having worn off.

soundog said...

From Yahoo news:

"Apple said it would give the 10 billionth person to download an app a $10,000 gift card to its iTunes store, which now offers movies and TV shows along with digital music files. And the winner is Gail Davis of Orpington, Kent, in the U.K. She downloaded a free game app called Paper Glider."

rondema said...

I wonder if she was actually trying to win it? I know I downloaded the same app (aswell as a few others) around the time the clock struck 10. I'm not quite sure what I'd do with over £6k of iTunes credit though - TomTom app for all your friends and family?