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Adobe Air coming to Android

Mashable reports that Adobe Air apps for Android will be coming by Q4. Not sure what this might mean for mobile music as I don't know that much about Adobe's Air platform. I'm interested to see that Android is allowing things like Flash and Air so could that mean some decent emulation as well? Maybe a Palm OS emulator from StyleTap?


johnnyg0 said...

Look at Audiotool or pretty much everything Andre Michelle has done, its really great and should work pretty well on mobile platforms. Its a shame Apple is doing efforts to block stuff made from people like them.


johnnyg0 said...

I should add that in the meantime, a lot of Tenori-on inspired apps being sold on the App Store have pretty much copied Andre's Tonematrix look and feel.


ashley said...

I do like the audiotool stuff and it is one of the reasons I'm getting more and more interested in Android as a music platform