A new version of Noise IO Pro Synth has been released. The changes include:
- You can now record with the metronome click (requested by many of you)
- Settings are now located not separately, but inside Noise.io (button next to the Main Menu button)
- Totally reworked Record menu. Record menu now includes "File Browser", the same module that you will find in all upcoming Amidio apps.
Use File Browser to:
- Export files to ioLibrary
- Rename/delete/view/play files
- Load files to play along with
- Start server over wi-fi
Noise IO Pro available at the iTunes App Storeg(11703474)a(1410283))
Recording is very welcome, but I seem to struggle to get it to record a complete loop. No idea why!
Has to be said though, when Noise.IO shines, it really shines. Such great sound. Whilst I have zero idea how to create patches that sound even remotely usable, the available downloads are incredible.
I know what you mean. I've found it difficult too. I think maybe some tutorials would be good for this app.
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