I have made abortive attempts to get to grips with this app a couple of times, but I've never been able to get my head around it. However, I gave it another go today. I sat down with the manual and started to try and get my head around it. Well, I didn't get very far at all. I just couldn't get it into my head at all.
I'm not going to let it go though, I will keep at it until I can say for sure whether it is something I want to play with on a regular basis or not.

I'll report back on how it all goes.
I've heard that Tao are porting intent to Palm OS! So hopefully miniMIXA might available for Palm devices (miniMIXA uses Tao's intent platform). Here's hoping. :)
Now that would be fantastic. I'd love to see that. I have to say that overall I prefer Palm OS to Windows Mobile, although I have to admit that at least Windows Mobile is getting some development.
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