Noisepad gets a big update
A great update for Noisepad. Worth another look in my opinion. Here's what's new:
Organize samples
Organize samples
- Organize samples into Soundbanks, drag 'n drop them onto buttons and swap them around
- Create as many Soundbanks as you like
- Overview of all Soundbanks, purchased Soundpacks and custom samples
- Rename or remove Soundbanks
- Rename user samples
- Real-time sequencer: record your beats on the fly
- Record up to 12 patterns, each with own variable length (1 - 99 bars)
- Export pattern to WAV file
- Erase single instrument from pattern or the whole pattern at once
- Switch seamlessly between patterns: the next pattern is started after the current finishes
- Copy / Paste patterns to other slots by holding the pattern button
- Configurable BPM and Swing
- Tap button to adjust BPM easilly
- Toggle FX: effects applied to both pattern + tap pads or only tap pads
- Jam with the tap pads while the pattern repeats
- Bong-ra Hardcore
- Bong-ra Drum 'n' Bass
- Bong-ra Dubstep
- Loopbased We Love 808
- Loopbased Dirty South Flava
- Two new *free* preloaded soundpacks
- Hold: press down starts sample, release stops it
- Set the volume of each sample individually
- Mute individual samples or let one sample play solo with a single button press

All Yonac apps going to $0.99 tomorrow.
Yonac to support Audiobus
Yonac have just confirmed that they will support Audiobus when the API is publicly available. Excellent news.
Nightradio's Forgotten Pages now available on Bandcamp
Just because we think Nightradio is great. So if you want to have a listen, you can find it over here.
Mixtikl 5 update for iOS6 and more
Not long left to make sure you have the RJDJ app on your iPhone
PixiLang 3.4 now available for Android
Here's what's new:
- Android port (sources + Google Play app);
- iOS port (only sources are available);
- new experimental feature - OpenGL acceleration (not available for Windows Mobile);
- new effect for effector() function: EFF_COLOR;
- new data processing operations for op_cn() function: OP_LIMIT_TOP, OP_LIMIT_BOTTOM, OP_ABS;
- new data processing operations for op_cn() and op_cc() functions: OP_EQUAL, OP_LESS, OP_GREATER, OP_SMUL (multiplication with saturation);
- new command line function - bytecode export; how to use: type "pixilang -c source_name.pixi" and source_name.pixicode file will be produced; warning: *.pixicode file is less cross-platrorm than its text
- new format of access to the container elements: container[ X, Y ]; example: pixels[ 3, 4 ] = WHITE;
- new operators to control the while loop: break, break2, break3, break4, breakall, continue;
- new OpenGL functions: set_gl_callback(), remove_gl_data();
- new system functions: get_file_size(), printf();
- new graphics function: clear_zbuf();
- new functions for containers: set_flags(), reset_flags();
- new combination of parameters (dest,dest_offset,src,src_offset) for functions strcat(), strcmp(), strstr();
- new combination of parameters (string,string_offset) for function strlen();
- new graphics examples: fractal_julia_multithread;
- new console examples: printf, string_append, string_compare, string_length, while_loop;
- new sound examples: pixitracker_player;
- graphics_opengl examples has been added;
- bugs fixed.
AudioShare update
This app is shaping up really well to become a swiss army knife of audio transfer. Here's what's in the latest update:
- Support for iOS 6 and iPhone 5.
- Organize your soundfiles in folders. Create, rename and move folders and files.
- Support for Sonoma Wireworks AudioCopy/AudioPaste as well as General pasteboard.
- Convert files to standard 16 bit 44.1KHz WAV.
- Sort files by name or date.
- Various tweaks, improvements and fixes.
- Run in background.

aubit update
Fingerlab update their website
And very nice it looks too. You can take a look here. There's more than just their music apps. Their games a very good too.
Google Play apps on offer for 25c
Or £0.25 if you're in the UK. I just had a look and couldn't see anything that I particularly wanted, but you might.
CDM on Apple's new lightning connector and accessories
Interesting perspective from CDM on the new connector from Apple.
Personally I'm not sure though. Whilst it does add to the length of the device, the biggest problem is how unstable the connections will be. Especially for live work. I guess time will tell. Once I've got an iPhone 5 I'll let you know what I think of it in practice.
Personally I'm not sure though. Whilst it does add to the length of the device, the biggest problem is how unstable the connections will be. Especially for live work. I guess time will tell. Once I've got an iPhone 5 I'll let you know what I think of it in practice.
Molecule Synth opens a forum
Not much there as yet, but I'm sure there will be soon enough. You find it here.
MIDI BreakOut Box updates
Harmony Voice (universal) arrives
So Harmony Voice (universal) has arrived. That didn't take long did it. Here's the app's description:
Transform your voice into a choir with up to four voices !
Harmony Voice is a pitch shifter and harmonizer with professional features including automatic tuning correction.
A realtime visual intonation-display gives you feedback of the tunes you sing. You can sing and Harmony voice will add up to four voices according to the chords you play with the piano keyboard.
Instead of playing the chords yourself you can let Harmony Voice play the chords automatically to enrich the sound of your voice in a musically pleasant way.
The voice character can be adjusted in a way that you can turn a female voice into a male voice and the other way round.
- Four part realtime Harmonizer / Pitch corrector
- Different Harmonizer modes:
- Manual harmonization by playing chords with up to four notes while singing
- Automatic harmonization ( Kraehenbuehl )
- Play base note and Harmony Voice adds appropriate chords
- Directly play the tunes for up to four voices with the keyboard.
- Select key note and scale for harmonization and pitch correction.
- Harmonies can be in just ( Barbershop ) or tempered tuning.
- Mix your original voice with the harmonized parts.
- Change the voice character.
- Play background track from your iTunes library.
- Hi-end reverb effect for room simulation.
- Chorus and Delay effect.
- Use a CoreMIDI compatible Interface to control Harmony Voice with a MIDI Keyboard.
- Audio recorder with Metronome.
- Upload to SoundCloud and File Export.
- Audio pasteboard for exchange with other Apps

Teenage Engineering letting you 3D print your own accessories
I know that lots of people don't like some of the things that they do, but the up side is they've released the CAD files so you can now 3D print your own.
I'd call that pretty impressive. You can find the files here.
I'd call that pretty impressive. You can find the files here.
Harmony Voice coming from Virsyn
Transform your voice into a choir with up to four voices !
Harmony Voice is a pitch shifter and harmonizer with professional features
including automatic tuning correction.
A realtime visual intonation-display gives you feedback of the tunes you sing.
OT: Jay Freeman, a.k.a. Saurik, TUAW Origin Stories
I know that this is a bit off topic, but I thought it would be of interest to a few people who jailbreak and others who are interested to know more about it.
The Korg Big Event UK
If you're in the UK this is well worth a look, especially for the nano2 deal if nothing else. You can find it here.
RJDJ retiring their original app!
You can read their original post about retiring the first RJDJ app.
If you don't know the original RJDJ app you should take a look, especially as you only have the rest of this week to get to it. So, get it as soon as you can!

Bleep, the app, arrives
Interesting little drum app, here's "Bleep's" description:
What the bleep is this?
...it's an addictive wavetable drum machine with midi! Draw pitch and wavetable modulation to create chip-tune sounds and effects, then sequence them to make retro video game like beats! You can create 12 sounds per song and save up to 8 songs that you can switch, shuffle and randomise on the fly. Midi support enables you to trigger your sounds with a midi device.
The app is priced at $0.99.
What the bleep is this?
...it's an addictive wavetable drum machine with midi! Draw pitch and wavetable modulation to create chip-tune sounds and effects, then sequence them to make retro video game like beats! You can create 12 sounds per song and save up to 8 songs that you can switch, shuffle and randomise on the fly. Midi support enables you to trigger your sounds with a midi device.
The app is priced at $0.99.

Glitch1 updated
iMpulse Game Controller & Key Finder: Pocket Accessory
Whilst this is being developed as a gamer accessory I can really see it being used for music as well. In fact I could imagine it as a way to control your iDevice whilst it's in your pocket whilst just walking down the street. Maybe for RJDJ, who knows.
What do you think?
Further update to Sunvox v1.7.2b
Full details here. We await the iOS version of the excellent Sunvox. I'm sure it won't be long though.
If you're interested in the tear down, then you'll find it here
Sound Taxi
Whilst not using iOS or other 'mobile' tech, this is without a doubt an excellent mobile project. There's a good description of it at The Verge if you haven't heard about the project.
The Mozilla OS Developer phone arrives
Mozilla OS could be an interesting development for mobile music if the whole HTML5 web audio thing is right. I guess we'll have to wait and see, but the beginning of next year will be interesting.
More info at Geek.com.
Audiobus is gaining ground
Developers seem to be starting to come out of the woodwork to confirm that they're going to implement AudioBus in their apps. Discchord reports on two very significant steps forward, Auria and Thumbjam/DrumJam. Both of which will be incredible with AudioBus.
Will there be an OP-2?
I saw a thread over at the Oh Pee Won forum and it made me wonder if Teenage Engineering will deliver an updated hardware version of the OP-1 (an OP-2 maybe), or if their current strategy of updating the operating system will keep them going for a long time?
Sinewave Synthesizer universal arrives
Analog Groove
Three Moog analog synths sequenced by Koushion. Koushion is a MIDI Step Sequencer iPad app that allows you to easily program drum patterns, melodies and more using your existing hardware synthesizers, softsynths, samples and other electronic music gear. Works great with Ableton Live and other DAWs.
Via Discchord.
8-Bit Beat Pad
A nice little free drum app. Here's what to expect:
Take yourself back to the good olds day of 8-bit gaming and jam out on 8-Bit Beat Pad.
- Over 150+ 8-bit sounds to choose from. You can also assign the sounds to any button you like.
- Record all the beats you make and play them back whenever you want
- Access your iTunes library to play along with your favorite song
- Cool Animations and graphics
- Optimized Hi-Resolution graphics for the iPhone and iPod Touch

Looking for an alternative to the iPhone 5? How about this ...
Ok, it isn't really going to be good for musical creativity, but as for putting it back together when it breaks, it's fantastic!
Via Mashable.
Sweet MIDI Player update
Sweet MIDI Player gets an update. Here's what's new:
- New - Support for iPhone 5 with larger screen.
- New - Support for remote controlling playback using Core MIDI input (Alesis IO Dock etc).
- New - Now possible to lower the volume of the music when using Core MIDI by reducing the note velocity.
- Change - Now requires iOS 5 or better.
- Bug fix - Sometimes impossible to delete a play list.
- Some changes needed for iOS 6.

Handy round up of a few audio interfaces for iOS
Worth a read although it doesn't cover all the interfaces available these days, but interesting nevertheless.
You can find it here.
You can find it here.
Final Reminder: Electronic Music 60s & 70s: A Public Reunion
A little reminder about this event at the end of September in the Science Museum London, as it's only a a few days away now. I wish I could go, but I can't sadly, so if you do manage to get along, please let me know what it was like and send me some pictures too.
Here are the details on the Science Museum site.
Making Music with the Apple iOS,
I was completely amazed when Ed sent me this video about a new iOS music production course that's starting on the 24th of September, tomorrow in fact.
It's great to see an actual course on iOS, and I doubt very much that this will be the last of it's kind.
If you want to know more about the course then have a read here where you'll find detail of how to sign up.
Vote in the 2012 Makeys
The polls close tomorrow, so you probably need to get on and vote if you're going to. You can find the polls here.
Long have i wandered (2) by Mike 88
Here's what Mike 88 says about this track: here's the part 2 of sorts more ikaosilator madness. Hope you enjoy
Crank (made with GlitchBreaks) by iOS Musician
Here's what iOS Musician says about this track: Beats glitched in GlitchBreaks for iOS and audio copied to BeatMaker 2 ( http://bit.ly/O5YkwE ) for arranging. I really like making tracks like this because you can mess around in GlitchBreaks until you record something cool and then copy to BeatMaker for sequencing/editing... GlitchBreaks on the App Store: http://bit.ly/MNuFMA This was made using the '160bmp Cellmod' and the '94.2bmp Myer' preset beats Follow GlitchBreaks developer: http://twitter.com/distraub SoundCloud: @Distraub Follow iOS Musician: Twitter: http://twitter.com/iOSMusician Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/iosmusician Google+ http://plus.google.com/117232566304387992880/posts
Bmthdubglitchjam by Caustic sunshine
Here's what Caustic sunshine says about this track: I couldnt sleep last night so i made this bournemouth jam
App test: Hexatone + Curtis by saviopalm
Here's what saviopalm says about this track: Random sounds made with Hexatone, SynthPond and Curtis on my iPod.
App test: Nanoloop by saviopalm
Here's what saviopalm says about this track: My first track written using Nanoloop for iPhone. Don't forget your headphones...
Barren Table - made with Figure at Finally, AudioCopy by iClifDotMe
Here's what iClifDotMe says about this track: Uploaded with AudioShare app - http://kymatica.com/audioshare
Shruthi-1 Yellow magic - loop by mutable.instruments
Here's what mutable.instruments says about this track: Samples of the Shruthi-1 Yellow Magic edition - with MS-20 style low-pass filter and psychedelic low-fi delay.
Shruthi-1 Yellow magic - chorus like effect with short delay times by mutable.instruments
Here's what mutable.instruments says about this track: Samples of the Shruthi-1 Yellow Magic edition - with MS-20 style low-pass filter and psychedelic low-fi delay.
Shruthi-1 Yellow magic - psychedelic and low-fi by mutable.instruments
Here's what mutable.instruments says about this track: Samples of the Shruthi-1 Yellow Magic edition - with MS-20 style low-pass filter and psychedelic low-fi delay.
Shruthi-1 Yellow magic - filter and delay by mutable.instruments
Here's what mutable.instruments says about this track: Samples of the Shruthi-1 Yellow Magic edition - with MS-20 style low-pass filter and psychedelic low-fi delay.
AudioShare 2.0 submitted.
A big update has been submitted and will hopefully be available on the App Store soon:
- Support for iOS 6 and iPhone 5.
- Organize your soundfiles in folders. Create, rename and move folders and files.
- Support for Sonoma Wireworks AudioCopy/AudioPaste as well as General pasteboard.
- Convert files to standard 16 bit 44.1KHz WAV.
- Sort files by name or date.
- Various tweaks, improvements and fixes.
- Run in background for fast app switching.

After 2 years PocketGuitar gets an update
Scape is the new app from Brian Eno
A new app from Eno! That was unexpected. Here's the description:
Scape makes music that thinks for itself. From Brian Eno and Peter Chilvers, creators of Bloom, Scape is a new form of album which offers users deep access to its musical elements. These can be endlessly recombined to behave intelligently: reacting to each other, changing mood together, making new sonic spaces.
Can machines create original music? Scape is our answer to that question: it employs some of the sounds, processes and compositional rules that we have been using for many years and applies them in fresh combinations, to create new music. Scape makes music that thinks for itself.
- Brian Eno, Peter Chilvers
- Includes 15 original scapes
- Scapes can be saved into a gallery and added to a playlist
- Plays in background of other apps (excluding iPad 1)
- Generates random scapes
- Scapes can be shared by email
- Supports AirPlay and Retina display
The app is priced at $5.99.

Vowel Synth Free arrives
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