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Any suggestions for how the weekly round up could be better?

So, what could I do better on the weekly round up? Do you have any suggestions? Anything that really annoys you? Or, is it just totally amazing already? Whichever it is, please let me know.


  1. Man, for all the work you put in, there sure aren't a lot of comments here...

    I like the round-ups. It's a good way for me to catch up on things I might have missed throughout the week.

    It's a great index to what's new and distills the content to the big items.


  2. Anonymous2:38 pm

    Even though I check this blog at least twice aday I still find the weekly round up you do useful, your doing a brilliant job!
    I like that you have been talking more about the other activities the last couple of weeks.
    I dunno maybe a round up of the various competitions or maybe even your favorite top three soundcloud songs of the week would be appreciated.

  3. Anonymous2:39 pm

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Anonymous11:28 pm

    I like it. Keep the good work going!
    Regards, Jan, Berlin


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