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SawSynth for iPad is on the way

Another iPad Synth on the way then!

iPads at the Apple Store

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  1. Jared4:01 pm

    Hopefully this one will get to be app of the week :D

  2. Jared4:04 pm

    Wait a second, .. I just realised, these guys made different apps for Sine and Saw? lol

  3. Jared4:05 pm

    Next up from RamSystem : SquareSynth and TriangleSynth

  4. Anonymous5:36 pm

    what a load of baloney, the standard is so high now, why do people think they should release crap like this???????

    Even geo synth sounds better than this, and that's saying something!

  5. Anonymous6:22 pm


    You must suck because Geosynth sounds fine to me, although not every patches rocks.

  6. @jared: :)

  7. Anonymous7:36 pm

    Hard to judge the quality when he plays so ridiculously staccato.

  8. Anonymous7:47 pm

    If you want to make dance music, geosynth sux

    If you want to make pop or rock then it er rox!

    It is not for electronica producers, none of those wiz apps are

    Better off with sunrizer, bassline etc

  9. Yeah! App of the week!!

    And to misquote Marty Feldman...



  10. Anonymous9:34 pm

    "If you want to make dance music, geosynth sux"

    Maybe if you want to make automated/sequenced dance music, but if you're going for live stuff GeoSynth is great, especially coupled with a looper like a Kaoss Pad.

    GeoSynth has some great leads and basses, but you have to learn how to play them.

    Oh and its the best Midi controller for melodies. Thanks to GeoSynth I don't feel the need to buy a Haken Continuum anymore :)

  11. I really don't like saying negative stuff about devs or their apps, but what's the point of this app? It brings absolutely nothing interesting to the table.

    Animoog, Sunrizer, NLog and Addictive have raised the standard for iOS synths so high, I don't know why devs continue to release half-assed stuff like this.

  12. Anonymous10:42 pm


    Because they can.

    I don't think devs should stop releasing stuff like this just because there some better stuff out there, but at 2.99$ for SineSynth I hope they don't expect success to come overnight.

  13. Anonymous12:44 am

    I think it will sell, obviously not a huge amount of copies, but not everybody uses the stuff we do.
    I think some might be intimidated by Sunrizer, Addictive, Animoog, etc. etc. and as a learning or starter synth, they could do worse. Definately not for the seasoned veteran though.
    What's the expression: horses for courses ;-)

  14. Anonymous1:46 am

    Either the worst demo ever (thats being kind) or really something that degrades developers who actually put some effort into their product. As an example of raising the bar Alchemy player is free.

  15. Anonymous4:10 pm

    @last anon
    I think most demo videos are poor, especially the ones made by non-native English speaking devs. They may be good at coding and whatnot, but they're rarely any good at describing or promoting their wares.


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