iPhone App Directory

Electrify update

Only a small update for the iPad version, but always welcome. Here's what's new:

  • app appeared locked after importing a file from the clipboard
  • regression: no multitouch enabled
  • deleting of projects in the project list works again
  • fixed a bug where setting the loop points in stretch mode caused a crash
  • note names on keys
  • new vintage theme
ELECTRIFY - Ingolf Koch

iPads at the Apple Store

Clip to Evernote


  1. Anyone else that use this app notice that the sequencer is not working right....

    I set up bass drum hits on every four beats but the app is randomly skipping over some of the selected hits.

    Males making beats very hard when the app is just sikipping the notes I select arbitrarily.

    Hope the dev can fix this one. Bought the app after I talked to some users,I have had nothing but issues from day one. I contacted the dev last week when I bought the app and it looks like he tried to sort out the crashing I was having but in return a whole new set of bugs crawled out!

  2. The iPhone version is one I haven't written a letter of complaint about only because it seems so promising. Agreed, it's definitely not keeping time properly. Isn't this dev the guy who said he quit his day job to focus on his app? No iPhone updates at all, boo hissss


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