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1 week to go for iMaschine

Only a week to go before Native Instruments brings iMaschine to iOS. Is it going to be huge or a disappointment? I've tried getting in touch with someone at NI but have met a deafening silence from them, which is a little disappointing.

Still, I'm looking forward to the release, and I hope it will live up to expectations.

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  1. Anonymous3:00 pm

    lol, no wonder they wouldnt talk to you after they read what ppl thought here

    but if i was the ni pr guy and there would have been a larger feat. list i would have talked to u for sure,
    so that means - no more features?!?

  2. Anonymous3:07 pm

    Hoping for the former, expecting the latter.

  3. Anonymous3:31 pm

    I doubt NI have ever had any criticism before, they haven't deserved any before. We all know that their software is the (expletive deleted). This looks like it's going to be another silly toy app, if you don't have that poorly built iMashine. If NI never make another iOS app because of a few opinions, they should have done a bit more research beforehand.
    'if you're gonna come, bring your 'A' game, or go home. No excuses.

  4. Anonymous4:10 pm

    Amazing how people comment on something that they haven't even tried. I for one (and probably not the only one) am looking forward to it. I have BM2 and Nanostudio and others, but somethings will just groove for some and not for others.

  5. Anonymous5:32 pm

    Too many IOS musicians wishes to get 300$ worth of software in a 10$ app, then they feel ripped-off because they haven't got what they wished for.

    If you want the real thing, get the real thing.

  6. Anonymous5:53 pm

    I use both hardware and iOS and anything else I get my hands on. Musicians will create music with what works for them. I see a bunch of people with tens of thousand of dollars in equipment that will make you drool, yet there music comes off sounding less then someone on an iPhone with Nanostudio. Use what works for you.

  7. Anonymous6:06 pm

    im not going to pay a few 100$ to make a little noise,
    and then pay again for the update 2 years later because we are on new cpus,
    not even if you had mozart himself in the ad!
    if your company is to big & has to many mouths to feed, thats not my fault

  8. Anonymous7:19 pm

    support the small developers!

  9. Anonymous8:43 pm

    It's not really useful to criticize stuff without, you know, telling why you think it's a "toy". So if you think this app makes sense only if you have one of their hardware Maschines.. FINE ^^

    but WHY?

    I don't have anything by NI and I'm not affiliated. Not a fanboy at all. It's just so useless to read these comments without something to back up your claims.

  10. Anonymous10:00 pm

    No midi, virtual or otherwise, No import of your own samples, only good if you have iMaschine, what more info do I need to make the call that it's a toy? Do the research before you criticise my opinion.

  11. Anonymous8:08 am

    *cough* no background audio

  12. Oh bs lots of apps I dig can be called toys and I get something useful out of them. It's all about marketing, NI chose to leave midi out cause they want people to buy the real thing, and they see this more an addendum to their far more expensive full size versions. being a Maschine owner, if the app really is using the same samples, the workflow might just be the bees knees. And really, the way you kids bitch about the price of $10 apps, can you blame NI for trying to maximize profits? And sorry but virtual midi so far is stupid anyways. Play Sunrizer with soundprism controls wow!! I look forward to being schooled by one of your videos. If only

  13. Anonymous1:18 pm

    Yawn. No one has mentioned the price.
    I've spent hundreds of £ on apps, including Konkreet performer and other 'expensive' apps, they are ridiculous value for money.
    iMaschine is a badly made, and unreliable piece of plastic tat.
    I like playing with toys, but as a 42 year old, at some point, I have to have functionality.
    I love NI software.
    If you think that virtual midi is pointless, you are a fool, and as such, are unable to see the possibilities.

  14. Anonymous3:32 pm

    lol, this kid is also past 30, i dont care about the price if the thing delivers, but from the first list of specs - this doesnt.

  15. Anonymous3:39 pm

    iMASCHINE will be available at the iTunes App Store for $ 4.99 / 3.99 € from October 1st.

    It's only have of what you thought, does that help? ;P

  16. Anonymous3:42 pm

    ^I mean half.^

  17. Anonymous3:49 pm

    what vm doesnt rock???
    i did the angus young thing yesterday on the balcony in the sun with my ipad. eat this.

  18. Anonymous4:18 pm

    virtual midi has some child deseases, but nothing that cant be fixed :)

  19. Anonymous4:21 pm

    teething problems

  20. Anonymous11:49 am

    "No midi, virtual or otherwise, No import of your own samples, only good if you have iMaschine, what more info do I need to make the call that it's a toy? Do the research before you criticise my opinion."

    Of course I could just try and guess why you called it a toy, but is that a good way to have a discussion? To say things without argumentation and let the others have a wild guess what you are talking about? It would be pretty confusing and useless if we're not going to be clear about the reasons for dismissing an app.


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