iPhone App Directory

Looking back: 1st May 2009

2009 was an interesting time as iOS was really getting going, and on the 1st Amidio launched Noise.IO LE, and if that wasn't enough they were talking about Hexatone and Keasis. Obviously we all know what Hexatone is all about, but did Keasis never came about did it?

There was also the possibility of new apps from YUDO (there's a name from the past), one of which was eventually 8bitone, but their rectools line never really made it sadly.

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1 comment:

  1. johnnyg05:44 pm

    Nostalgia to the max!

    But seriously, I think its sad to see how in less than 2 years, all those guys and those great apps are gone (or not updated anymore).

    I Apple announced the first SDK for the iphone, I would never have expected apps dying so fast.

    I wish there was a way to run "legacy" apps in the newest IOS version,.. or that the newest IOS versions would not break so many apps.


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