iPhone App Directory

DubFilter (universal), arrived a little while ago, sorry for missing that

I think I missed this for some reason. I can't think why though. Anyway, if you did, now we can both rectify that. Here are the details ...

The Dub Filter is a dual low-pass/high-pass 24/48 dB filter, with resonance and the exclusive Overlap parameter!

It contains a completely redesigned stereo sample player with LFO and scrubbing capabilities.

Main Features:
  • Audiobus and Inter-App Audio support (sender and FX)
  • State Variable Filter (Low-Pass and High-Pass) with resonance and overlap
  • Built In Stereo Sampler with varispeed and scrubbing
  • Control Manager LFO for all the Parameters
  • Midibus, Virtual Midi and Network: 14 bit NRPN controllers
  • File Manager, sharing common audio files via iTunes, Dropbox and AudioCopy
  • Snapshots Presets Morphing Pad
  • Post Fx Chain: Low-shelf Filter, High-shelf and Compressor

Tech Requirements:
  • iOS7 or later
  • iPad 2 or later

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