iPhone App Directory

Animoog for iPhone 1.1.7 is a pretty massive update

Here's what's new in Animoog for iPhone:
  • Stable support for iOS 8
  • Stable support for 64-bit devices
  • Revised timbres panel with categories (touch-hold timbre in category for preview)
  • Added 'hold' switch to keyboard for iPhone 5 and later
  • New installations now by default map CC64 to the Hold switch for iPhone 5 and later
  • Audiobus input slot compatibility fixes
  • Pitch bend range can now be selected in MIDI settings
  • Pitch bend strip is more usable by reducing the sensitivity in the middle
  • External pitch bend now behaves linearly across the pitch bend range
  • Pitch and mod strips now light up with incoming MIDI
  • MIDI CC mapping can be edited through the dialog after double-tapping a control
  • Mapped controls now respond to MIDI when Animoog is in the background
  • Virtual Animoog MIDI ports are now always available even if no port is explicitly selected
  • Fixed MIDI input and output port selection sometimes tacitly picking another one
  • Preset menu doesn't cover minimized keyboard anymore
  • Improved IAA instrument compatibility (IAA transport panel will be done for a future release)
  • Use with any buffer size from 128 to 4096 (256 being the intended size for all supported devices)
  • Fixes for restore purchase functionality
  • Improved in-app store layout and interaction
  • iTunes File Sharing access to timbres, presets and projects
  • Removed import/export preset from setup panel since iTunes File Sharing should cover all needs
  • Added timbre category list under 'random preset' to enable/disable categories to randomize timbres from
  • Page selector can now be latched by tapping without dragging the menu
  • All drop-down menus now support latched operation
  • Invalid timbre files are marked and don't cause crashes anymore
  • Keyboard scale selection now doesn't misbehave after selecting the whole tone scale
  • Resuming after interruptions from Siri now reactivates audio
  • Proper handling of large amounts of MIDI expression data, coming from alternative controllers
  • Page selection widget now appears below the active page title for easier visibility
  • Added store entry to the page menu
  • Proper launch screen across all iPad and iPhone devices
  • Version number is now shown at the bottom of configuration screen
  • Overall stability improvements

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