iPhone App Directory

DFX - Digital Multi-FX

What's new in DFX - Digital Multi-FX? Here's what they have to say ...

"We are happy to announce DFX version 2.0 with a freshly added Midi Engine. You can now plug any Midi controller or keyboard, relax and watch DFX reacting to the push of a fader or the turning of a rotary button. Multiple controllers, multiple gestures are welcome. We have covered pretty much much any control in DFX. Feels nice doesn’t it?

One more thing, there is also a new Flute generator that we are quite proud of ;^)


The Fingerlab Team."
  • MIDI Input selection (hardware, virtual, network session)
  • MIDI channel selection (1 to 16 or Omni)
  • MIDI LEARN mode : plug you midi device in and control DFX
  • New “Flute” Generator
  • Fixed some minor UI issues
  • Fixed some launching freezes with older ipad models

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