iPhone App Directory

What's your app of the week?

What's the app that's been most useful or the most inspiring this week? Or maybe just the app that's been your work horse for the last few days. Tell me which one it is and why.


  1. Why that would be Oscilab … of course :)

  2. Anonymous4:37 pm

    Probably Oscilab. Really cool in some ways, sadly lacking in others, ultimately fun.

  3. Anything goes with ad 480 this week ...

    Hey Marlene, nice to see that of the old crew are still here following our favorite obsession :)

  4. Anonymous3:31 am

    Master FX. I've been doing some spoken word and ambient sound recordings, and Master FX adds the perfect flavor.
    Superior WI

  5. Anonymous8:44 pm

    Hey lala! Nice to see you again, we used to talk here a long time ago, then Discchord. Now I'm Anonymous, so you won't remember me but it's good to see you all the same :-)


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