iPhone App Directory

Counting Sheep "iPad Musican Contest: One-app challenge part 3" by MariaCalfa-DePaul

This is my submission to the current contest sponsered by the developer of the new App: Cotracks. The idea is to use one app only to create a song. No audiobus no Interapp audio Nothing but what the app provides. Midi controllers are allowed and I used my iRig Keys to input the notes. This is the most tracks I think I have used for a song: 9 I used the bongos drum loop. The following were also used: bass smart bass, Strings were the keyboard strings as well as the smart strings but I didn't used the smart controls just my keyboard to improvise. The smart guitar was also used but just for the sound as I improvised that as well using my keyboard. Other sounds were a sample I did of my breathing using the onboard sampler as well as a sound of water that I created rolling my necklace beads in my hand and pressing record. I then played that sound on my keyboard. Another on board synth I used was one called Organic Bells but I tweaked it to sound a bit different using the onboard controls. The last instrument I used was also from the keyboard collection it's called Fuel Cells. I then directly uploaded the song to soundcloud. Hope you like it. I wrote it when I couldn't sleep lol!

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