iPhone App Directory

Which app(s) would you like to see universal?

Often I think that some iPad apps would be amazing on the iPhone and vice versa, although to be honest, less so the other way around.

Once example of this is Genome, which I think is an amazing MIDI sequencer. So I thought I'd ask the question to you. Which apps do you wish you could have on your iPhone which are currently iPad only?


  1. Anonymous3:43 pm

    Samplr because it is so useful, and unlike Nave (my other choice), stands a fighting chance on the smaller playing field.

    M3000 HD would be GOLDEN on iPhone, but I would settle for an Audiobus update to The lovely little Ellatron. The Brass on that is gorgeously dusty...

  2. Easy.


    And, SCAPE with audiobus would be 10 stars

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. David Wilson-Okamura4:23 pm

    Genome for iPhone/iPod Touch would be an instant buy for So would StepPolyArp, Nave, iMini, iSEM, anything by Igor Vasiliev.

  5. Anonymous6:31 pm

    I think TC-11 would be cool on a phone and seekbeats as a universal; it looks great on the iPad but the AB tab just takes up too much room and stops it from being perfect.


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