iPhone App Directory

NOTION Still on sale

Don't forget that NOTION, the notation editor and player app is priced at just $0.99 until the 21st of December, so don't miss out. After that it goes up to $14.99.


iPads at the Apple Store

Clip to Evernote


  1. Best notation app ever, great sounds, don't miss it !

  2. But think twice before getting carried away and purchasing the All Bundle pack of additional instruments. I thought from the humungous size of the basic app that it would just unlock samples that are already included, but no: it downloads gigs and gigs of additional samples. I've had to delete stuff off my (64G!) iPad just to make room, and it's still not finished.

  3. I second that. This is a game-changer.

  4. Didn't feel the need to download the additional packs. It's a lot of "secondary" instruments, like the sax family, etc. What's really great about this app is that all of the core instruments are included.


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