iPhone App Directory

NanoStudio V1.30 submitted

Here's what to expect, and hopefully it won't take too long:
  • Universal iPad version
  • Free desktop version now supports window sizing
  • Added extra musical scales to keyboard
  • Increased size limit for a single sample to 32MB
  • Ability to slide the keyboard by fractions of a note
  • Mixer mute/solo
  • Improved bottom range of mixer volume faders
  • Double tap on mixer channel title to go to instrument
  • Double tap on 'centre zero' knobs to return to centre
  • Added ability to tap song position on status bar to toggle between bars and hours/minutes
  • Added indicator to main menu to show the last selected instrument
  • Update to latest Akai SynthStation library
  • Added 'Mix audio with other apps' option to allow iTunes music background play (iOS)
  • Added buffer latency settings (iOS)
  • Automatic normalization is now optional after sampling or resampling
  • Added an 'add effect' button to empty effects slots
  • Changed TRG behaviour to allow drags across pads
  • Added load/save effects chain to the effects select dialogue
  • Song editor - vertical zoom
  • Song editor - mute/solo buttons can be swiped vertically
  • Song editor - added MIDI activity indicators to each track
  • Song editor - parts on muted tracks are shown in grey
  • MIDI file and .nsp file export dialogues now have a 'show file' button (Windows/OS X)
NanoStudio - Blip Interactive Ltd

Clip to Evernote


  1. Anonymous10:13 pm


    But does anyone know when akai synth station app will get audio export of some kind? It's a good app, but no acp or soundcloud export


    Nice one matt anyway for the update, bet it's out y by Monday huh?

  2. Anonymous10:32 pm

    It's been a hell of a year for iOS music apps, and this is just the icing on the cake.
    What will 2012 hold?

  3. Anonymous10:37 pm

    Well he said it would hopefully be submitted by the beginning of this month and was right!
    Excellent work Matt!
    Can't wait :-)

  4. Hopefully next year (2012) you'll be able to tell your DAW what to do, what notes to play by whistling and then how to go about it via Siri 4 iPad? ;)

  5. The stingy leaker11:07 pm

    Expect unprecedented action from




    Propellor heads - reason for ios

    Sony- acid pro for ios

    Apple- logic for ios

    These are sure things, in development but waiting for ipad3 for faster ram

    Beepstreet will release before ipad3 but the rest are waiting in the wings to release fully able daws

  6. Anonymous11:47 pm

    @Stingy leaker
    Wishful thinking only on some of those. If Apple EVER make an iOS version of Logic, it'll resemble Meteor, or Multitrack DAW; something along those lines. It's never going to be comparable to the OSX version. Too many things would have to fundamentally change within iOS for the sort of connectivity you're talking about, and I can't ever see Apple doing that. What's in it for them; why would they bother? It goes against everything they do and have always done.
    I'm sure that Moog, Beepstreet, Korg et al, will release more apps for iOS, but the others.......No. Not in this lifetime. Maybe the next. Lol.

  7. Anonymous11:56 pm

    No vision, Anon 11:47pm... Glad you don't work for Apple! :)

  8. The stingy leaker12:06 am

    @ the yawning anon

    First, don't underestimate apple, just two years ago you would have thought the apps we have now are a dream.

    Second, STFU as you don't know who I am and what I know and who I know

    Third, have u any idea what the ipad3 will be capable of?

    It's fools like you that should go back to Microsoft and stay there

    I bring glad tidings and hope for us iOS artists and you do not appreciate

    So, crawl back into your hole

  9. I really surprised that there hasn't been an Ableton-like app out yet for iOS?

    Acid Pro? Yes please!

    Actually the technology is already in Logic, so there's no excuse really?

  10. rondema12:21 am

    Excellent news. I reckon Nanostudio is the best bit of music making software I've ever used, all things considered.

    Also shouty man above.. You must realise too that many products in development never see the light of day. I shall chose to ignore the fact that no one person can know what you claim to be fact. So chill.

  11. Anonymous12:26 am

    What leaky says is true,people have been waiting for
    What the ios is capable of

    What users want
    If people will pay higher prices
    One year from now,you'll see

  12. Anonymous12:33 am

    @Stingy leaker
    You tell me to STFU?
    I don't care who you are. If we ever met you would be very brave if you did you rude little boy.
    You don't know who I AM and what I know.

  13. Anonymous12:34 am

    @tom Tm

    The closest thing to ableton is Electrify. Pretty close. More like a cross between a groove box style beat/pattern building with clip launches/set session view like ableton. Pretty fun.

    I bet we can use midi bridge or similar to connect up BM2 and nano studio to get the best of both worlds.

    Ps. I have an iPad 3....then I woke up :) how's that for a late 90's joke....

  14. The stingy leaker12:36 am

    Picture this

    Wist and virtual midi

    Two iPads

    One with reason

    The other with an osc app

    Do the math, we are very close

  15. Anonymous1:03 am

    Stingy leaker knows his shit, roll on 2012!

  16. Anonymous1:33 am

    I find it both amazing and sad that if you make a comment that others don't agree with, instead of calmly explaining why you might be wrong; you just get torrents of abuse.
    Maybe people ought to ask themselves why they do it, but they won't because they don't see that they've done anything wrong, when in real life they wouldn't behave like that because if they did, nobody would want anything to do with them.
    It's a good thing that people can comment easily and anonymously on this blog, but it also means there is no accountability.

  17. FilesystemGo!1:42 am

    "If Apple EVER make an iOS version of Logic, it'll resemble Meteor, or Multitrack DAW; something along those lines. It's never going to be comparable to the OSX version. Too many things would have to fundamentally change within iOS for the sort of connectivity you're talking about, and I can't ever see Apple doing that."

    Amen to that! Everybody who claimed the opposite have no idea what they're talking about.

    If Apple does not allow some kind of access to the filesystem or plugins, apps will never be able to be as good as their desktop couterparts, they will always be limited by their sandboxing.

    Things might change when IOS and OSX will be merged, but even then I'm not so sure as Apple has already begun locking down OSX the same way (forcing sandboxing for the OSX appstore).

    That said, I think the ipad is awesome for multi-touch apps like Geosynth/Mugician, TouchOSC and such.

  18. Anonymous1:46 am

    "Two iPads

    One with reason

    The other with an osc app"

    Lol, that 10 years old software does not run yet on the ipad?

  19. Anonymous1:56 am

    Fantastic news about this coming update.
    Also to the Stingy leaker:
    As soon as you start calling people names and such, you totally loose any coherant point you were trying to make.
    There are a lot of holes in your statement.
    Ps I have 4 iOS devices, a PC and a Mac and also lots of other devices so I'm certainly not a hater.
    It would be unbelievable if the things in list became a reality, just watch your language, and have some respect for other peoples opinions. Especially if you want people to respect yours.

  20. Anonymous2:05 am

    Nanostudio rulez!
    Ios is best platform for mobile music. Best apps. Best prices. Best of the best.
    That would be toooo coool.

  21. Anonymous2:33 am

    No sample chop........ No use!

  22. Anonymous2:40 am

    "It's fools like you that should go back to Microsoft and stay there"

    That's got to be the most fanboyist thing I've read today.

    Its stuff like this that makes us non-cultist Apple users look bad.

    You shouldn't have gotten out of your hole.

  23. Anonymous3:04 am

    Another thread goes OT, so here's my 2cents:
    There's no way that this Stingy leaker is a professional because if he was he would not need to communicate like he did.
    Apps like the ones he's talking about have been on the holy grail list ever since the iPad came into being. There is nothing wrong with wishing for what might be, but there is no need to insult others.
    Only time will tell.

  24. The stingy leaker3:16 am

    Apologies for foul tongue, was just defending against that anon who expressed doubts. No one should doubt what the near future for ios will bring. Don't you want those great things to come to the iPad? Don't you think the developers want to make some money from it?

    Imagine how many people will be happy once some great things as mentioned previously and how many units will be sold? Don't you think apple want the pro level musicians and producers to buy iPads and produce songs with them?

    Do you think Steve jobs didn't have this in his vision?

    Do you think there might be a reason why iPhone 5 and ipad3 are taking longer than expected?

    We are about to take another huge leap. Believe it, it's true.

    It is not a fanboy thing, it's reality, someone has to do it, and only apple can right now. The very fact the iPads can do what they can is amazing. Do not be limited to thinking it cannot get better, it's about to!

    Go download infinity blade 2 and be amazed that such a game can be played on your idevice.

    So, why not expect something similar for music production?

    All i can say is that I have been partially involved in the development of reason for ios, it's manifesting and that's all you need to know

    Soon youll realise that I was telling the truth.

  25. I'll look forward to those other apps. But nano studio has really been a topper and a joy to use. Can't wait for the upgrade. Just always get great sounds and the writing never gets bogged down by the interface.

    And now even better

  26. Anonymous3:28 am

    "someone has to do it, and only apple can right now."

    Erm.. all these great things can already be done on other platforms. Why wait for the ipad to be able to do them? ;)

  27. Anonymous4:55 am

    Just because someone expresses doubts about something you say, there is no need to start swearing and calling him a fool.
    Grow up mate.
    Having said that, I'll stay open minded about wether we'll see these apps, or the functionality you talk about. I can't see it, but you never know; stranger things have happened!

  28. Anonymous8:51 am

    'No sample chop........ No use!'
    What did people do before sample chop? Oh my goodness! they chopped samples by hand! How how could they ever have done that by... by hand?
    Just chop your samples manually. Sheesh.

  29. Anonymous9:15 am

    The head of Propellerheads actually confirmed they're working on their first "serious iOS app" in a swedish newspaper a week ago or so. Also that they've made lots of money on the iOS version of Rebirth. So, Reason for iPad is probably very likely.. Looking forward to that!

  30. neonmeatedreamofanoctofish9:47 am

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  31. The stingy leaker11:56 am

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  32. Anonymous12:27 pm


    Yes mate, Sony are up to something.

    Now, who are you????

  33. Anonymous1:11 pm

    @Singy Leaker
    "the way people taunt, accuse and attack each other on here is pathetic".
    You were the one who started it, when you went psycho at the anon who expressed their opionion, and said so without the childish and unprofessional approach you adopted, now you yourself say you don't like how people on here talk to each other!
    Pot, kettle?!
    Why don't you go outside and stand on the nearest street corner and shout at passers by? And then shout louder when they dare to "question your authority".
    Social skills; nil. Interset in your opinion; gone.
    Now go and look up irony in the dictionary, then look in the mirror.

  34. Mr. Singy Leaker, what you've just said ... is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

  35. NeonMeateDreamOfAnOctofish2:50 pm

    I still find it completely hilarious that you call yourself the "stingy leaker"!!!!LOL!!!!




  36. Hey guys/gals, everybody, calm down!

    Whatever happens it shall be good right?

    Happy Christmas to you all! :D

  37. Anonymous3:26 pm

    @The Stingy Leaker

    "I bring glad tidings and hope"

    "We are about to take another huge leap. Believe it, it's true."

    "Soon youll realise that I was telling the truth."

    Are you a preacher or something? Because you sound deeply religions when it comes to IOS.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. Well this is rather fun isn't it? :)

    I've decided to treat the musings above as general acceptance of the update!

    Carry on, as you were!

  40. Anonymous5:07 pm


    Thanks! You're the best ! :)

  41. Anonymous5:16 pm

    @ Tom
    Well said. We're all here because we buy and use mobile devices to make music. At least we can all agree on that. :-)

    Yes, all NS users love your app and are very much looking forward to the incredible update.
    Even if many of the threads spark some OT conversations, I'm sure it's only because some are very passionate when it comes to iOS.

  42. rondema5:20 pm

    lol Blip..

    but Boooo I missed all the action :(

    In seriousness I don't think Ashley deserves to have this foolishness brought to his door on such a regular basis. Shame.

    Back on topic - I genuinely hope NanoStudio/BlipInteractive weathers the storm as the 'big boys' start to crowd the room.
    Forget what is coming next.. what we have right now is literally insanely great, to quote the man.

    As it goes I have pretty much left my staple desktop tools (reason/live) behind.. NanoStudio in particular is a much nicer place to be.

  43. Apple could do something cool, NI won't do anything that's worth talkin about. Ableton will do nothing, nor will steinberg.
    Maybe reaper could do something cool, too.

    But i bet one of our loved one man shows will deliver.

  44. Me too. Making music with a sequencer has become fun again.

    And Nanostudio has the funk. Logic was never funky. It didn't have that 'feel', like Notator or Cubase on the Atari once had. It's all come back again, but in super funky swing factor! 8-)


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