iPhone App Directory

'Simple Moog', arrives on the app store

I've just seen this app arrive on the store and all I can think about is how long it will take before Moog contact the developer with a cease and desist letter.

As for the app itself I doubt it will be of any interest as it just seems to have a bunch of samples in it.

Simple Moog - Luiz Primati

Clip to Evernote


  1. Anonymous1:07 pm

    Well well, that's a second professional polyphonic synthesizer designed exclusively for the iPad now!

    These moog guys surely are on fire!

  2. Anonymous1:11 am

    this is nothing to do with moog, and it sucks

  3. johnnyg06:38 pm

    "this is nothing to do with moog"

    well it is using samples from a Moog.

    "and it sucks"

    agreed! :D


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