iPhone App Directory

Sample Lab price drop

Sample Lab is down in price from $8.99 to $0.99.

Sample Lab - fotoh LLC

iPads at the Apple Store

Clip to Evernote


  1. Anonymous9:45 am

    So instead of starting with a cheap price like animoog,start high and then drop the price

    Might get this now

  2. Anonymous12:13 pm

    ^^^^^^^ cry baby

  3. mister-rz1:19 pm

    Wait ios5 only, might download it to itunes and save it for when I finally upgrade, I get the feeling garage band update will be ios5 only too.

  4. Anonymous6:59 pm

    I have iOS 4.3 , if I buy sample lab for myself as a gift , then update to 5.0 later will that work? Please reply

  5. mister-rz9:00 pm

    @anon 6.59

    Use itunes on your desktop/laptop to download, then after you've updated to ios 5 re-sync with sample lab ticked, im not sure how the gift thing works in itunes.

  6. Kadath10:35 pm

    This app is pretty awesome. Much cooler than the other groove box apps. Setting loop position for each beat allows you to create some crazy glitchy, breakcore-like drum loops.

    Add more FX, add routing FX to certain only certain tracks, and add FX automation and I could sequence entire songs in Sample Lab.

  7. Anonymous5:15 am

    yes the gb update works under 4.3

  8. Robert6:14 am

    I'm pleasantly surprised! I think everyone here should download this app at the sale price before its too late.

    It's a sample based drum machine with MIDI out the Yung-yang, ACP, etc. In other words, don't be a fool, do it now! :)


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