iPhone App Directory

Yamaha brings iVOCALOID-VY2 universal

I'm sure that this app has been out for the Japanese market for a long time, but now it has arrived for the rest of us. Here's the description:

iVOCALOID-VY2 is synthsis sequencer using VOCALOID. If the notes and lyrics are input, a Japanese tune can be easily synthesized.
this application use "VY2" database library.

The app is priced at $20.99

iVOCALOID-VY2 - Yamaha Corporation

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  1. Anonymous11:02 am

    hm, to bad it doesnt have an english voice, i rember seeing demos of this with a voice called leon or something, on the laptop, or was that another software?
    i mean what can u do with it if u r not japense?
    singing konichiwa all over gets borong after a while ...

  2. Anonymous11:15 am

    i wonder what happens if u put Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. prepare to die in google translate and feed it into ivocaloid, lol

  3. Anonymous11:19 am

    btw. i thought there is no uft-8 or 16 on ios, any1 tried?

  4. Anonymous11:26 am

    i just tried japanese symbols seam to work

  5. Anonymous11:31 am

    ok i'll buy it

  6. Anonymous11:36 am

    no i wont, cant always fly blind

  7. Anonymous11:43 am

    support for other biblio not planned, licence blah

  8. Donald1:36 pm

    Now my Japanese classes will finally pay off.

    Plus there are plenty of free translator apps for iOS.

  9. Donald2:00 pm

    I can't find it? I'ts not in the US store. I also wanted to check out Symphony Pro but the US store shows it at $14.99 not $2.99.

  10. Anonymous3:48 pm

    its in the german store

  11. Anonymous4:02 pm

    it was there this morning, now its gone


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