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It's Sunday, here are the highlights from this week ...

Enjoy the rest of your weekend, here are a some of the highlights from the week.
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  1. Anonymous3:18 pm

    ivocaloid isnt in the store anymore

  2. Anonymous3:59 pm

    It's not in the UK store either.

  3. Maybe the japanesse version was a "beta" for English release and we just got a sneak peak ;)

  4. Anonymous4:33 pm

    i did a google translate > they say they dont plan to implement english

  5. Anonymous5:02 pm

    Any idea when the Thumbjam update's coming? And, has Arctic synth been submitted? Thanks in advance.

  6. Electrify had an update too this week. :)

  7. electrify looked so good (on paper) when it came out,
    but it didnt work for me, i got rid of it

  8. @tom: lol, we can never agree on anything

  9. I don't think there is anything wrong with Electrify par se, however what I do think that lets Electrify down is the iPad's touch interface. Electrify has obviously been designed for a button based interface- like that of the Electribe series by Korg.

    I've got an EM-1 Electribe which I've had for a few years. I love it. I love its tactical design. You press buttons and that action changes things. On Electrify you can't run your fingers along the on notes to highlight them. You have to do that one-by-one, and that's really frustrating

    There's no tactical interface with an iPad, and the Electrify developers really should have designed something that reflected this interface experience, rather than just try to emulate buttons- which Electrify doesn't do that well.

    It's not just the developers of Electrify who are guilty of this, lots of other developers do it as well. I think this really shows up the differences between the iPad and say a hardware Electribe, or better still, an Akai MPC or the TE OP-1.

    The latter are all 'proper' musical instruments with the computers still in them. The iPad otoh, is still, just an iPad.....

  10. @lala...

    I don't understand. I mentioned that there was an update. What is there to agree with on? :?

  11. @tom: "Electrify had an update too this week. :)"

    i read that as i use eletrify and im happy about the update,
    and i said doesnt do it for me,

    with we cant agree on anything i meant that we have very different ideas about whats cool and whats the way to go with interfaces. (i think its interesting to see what works for others). but now that u wrote a bit more about it, i see that our ideas about it arent that far away from each other.
    i never had an electribe, maybe thats why its concept isnt for me.
    didnt mean to bug u :)
    for me the ipad is my instrument, just like i used to think of my laptop and controller as my instrument.


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