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Sunvox DLL

For interested developers, NightRadio is making the Sunvoc engine available for Linux, Windows and Mac OSX.

More details here.

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  1. Anonymous2:58 pm

    Any chance of open-sourcing it? DLL kindof limits development to windows...

  2. It's not open source but they provide DLL for win, .so for Linux and dylib for Mac OS-X.

  3. Anonymous5:03 pm

    oh nice, should have followed the link.

    API looks tiny! I was hoping to do some procedural routing and composition/parameter modulation. I guess the latter could be accomplished with send_events..

  4. Yeah, it would make a pretty nifty lightweight audio engine considering the DSP routing but the API looks like it's mainly for playing SunVox files in demos.

    There's tsv_send_event() that lets you insert note events via API including fx parameters presumably anywhere in the fx chain. The header does only contains a fraction of function calls actually in there but I suspect psynth_make_link() would actually require quite a bit of documentation to be written.


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