iPhone App Directory

Sound Epic + Tabletop demo

Sound Epic at the app store:
Sound Epic - Taptronica Mobile

Tabletop at the app store:
TableTop - Retronyms

Clip to Evernote


  1. Just bought the in app extras and am experiencing severe audio drop outs on ipad 1. Any fix besides cutting down on effects ?

  2. Anonymous1:55 pm

    not really.. the ipad2 dual core processor has made obsolete the 1 year old non-upgradable ipad1 single processor.

    Buy a new one ;)

  3. Donald2:15 pm

    I just want to take a moment to give thanks to Steve Jobs and Apple Engineers for screwing over the early adopters. The iPad wasn't even out a full year before it was obsolete.

    For those who are ready to defend, the biggest problem with the iPad is its price. $830.00 is not disposable income for most people which would make the iPad an investment. It should not have the same life cycle as an iPod or iPhone. They really should have made entry level and pro level iPads. I have never felt more cheated by a product (besides that Sega Genisis 32X thing from back in the day) like how I am feeling now.

  4. One thing to try is rebooting your iPad. This will quit all of the background processes that you may have running due to iOS multitasking.

    Getting rid of those background processes frees up as many resources as possible for music making. ;)

    We've already spent a bunch of time working on optimizations, but we're hoping that future updates will continue to improve iPad1 performance.

  5. Thanks !
    Reboot time !

  6. Jaybry845:03 pm

    Never buy the first version of anything. Yeah, someone has to if you ever wanna see an updated, improved version of it, just make sure it's not you.

  7. Anonymous5:34 pm

    "Never buy the first version of anything."

    in Apple's case, the new version is always a "first version", because its always "redesigned from the ground up".

    Its more like, if you want to be up to date with Apple's products, be ready to shell out a lot of cash every year.


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