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MORE MORE by Edith Frost using Tabletop from Retronyms

MORE MORE by Edith Frost

TableTop - Retronyms

Clip to Evernote


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This sounds really nice. Keep posting please. I love the simplicity, not to knock anybody else out there but I am kind of over hearing either dated dancing music without vocals or cover songs. This is an instrument, it wants to be played. I have liked everything Edith has posted. Thanks.

  3. Wow, thanks for posting. I saw there was 100 plays and I was all WTF? I kinda want to know what Andrey said. Or not. Probably not.

  4. Glad to post it Edith, let me know when you make more.

  5. FYI I ended up with 3 matrixizzes on the table and one keyboard module, which I filtered for some squawk. The melody became the melody due to a wee lil' accident where I fat-fingered the toggle in the song editor, which made a change to the entire table instead of just the loop? And by the time I realized what I'd done I was already used to it and ended up leaving most of those sections alone.

    OK I'm actually only piping up again because I forgot to hit the "email followup comments" box last time. :-\ If I do this now, there won't be any more comments, naturally.

  6. A country singer/songwriter from Drag City who noodles on iPad emusic apps? Now I gotta go check her music out. Love it :)

  7. A little, half-of-topic,
    but since I noticed dev comments,

    I hope Dopplerpad also keeps getting updates.
    Nothing wrong with it,
    but for when it gets "iOs-ed" out by apple.
    Because I still use it a lot,
    very nice,
    nothing else that's alike available for the ipod


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