iPhone App Directory

Stage Strum for iPhone (via iOS Musician)

Hadn't heard of this until I saw it at iOS Musician.

Clip to Evernote


  1. Jaybry845:42 pm

    Sounds like someone liked the sound of iShred but thought the interface was too easy to use.

  2. Sounds like someone liked the sound of iShred but thought the interface was a load of crap (which it is), and decided to redesign the interface with a far more elegant system, which they clearly have done!

    Have you actually tried downloading and playing with Stage Strum Jaybry84? Because I tell you this now, the one reason I've quit playing with iShred is because I found its interface way too clumsy to use. After playing with Strum for the last hour or so I must conclude that this is a big improvement over iShred!

  3. Jaybry849:13 pm

    Instead of using one finger to press one button to switch a chord, now I can look at the smaller chord indicators, find the finger combinations and apply them. Much better.

  4. I have most of the frontier apps and while the specs are great there is something wrong with all of them.
    pianostudio has no count in when recording,
    beatstudio deletes an other track than you select to delete
    the ishred live recorder can not record ishred live
    which I wrongfully assumed could be done due to its name


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