iPhone App Directory

Electri6ity + Thumbjam (TEST ONLY)

Here is the setup:

iPad 1 - CHORDS: Thumbjam sending midi to VST program Tonespace 2 where every note in the scale in plays a chord in Tonespace, midi out to Electri6ity to Podfarm 2. Volume active on the x axis in TJ and thus in Electri6ity playing at lower volumes singles to play muted notes.

iPod - SOLO GUITAR: Thumbjam sending midi to Electrici6ity to Podfarm 2.

Future setup will include control switches to change play styles (legato, trills, hammer ons etc) on solo guitar. Current setup here is only poly mode muted to sustain.

Clip to Evernote


  1. Not a bad idea to add chords to thumbjab, but I think polychord does most of this on its own if you just send the midi out to a guitar sound in ableton or something...

  2. I've been eyeing polychord. I wouldn't need to use to separate devices for chords and lead, make life a lot easier!


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