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Korg says nanoSeries2 now shipping

Korg's Facebook page says that their nanoSeries2 are now shipping, which is great news, but when I looked on their UK page it didn't mention shipping at all.

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  1. Great. I wanted to hold out for (2) so I could bypass having to set up cc params for iMS-20 and others. Wonder if sample lab is going to go with nano pad 1 or 2 functionality?

    It would suck for them if they are behind the curve. I know what it's like to chase a project only to have a newer version pop up and knock the wind out of the sails. They should be alright. Seems like a smart bunch of guys,event though I have had a few bugs ruin my sample lab fun in the past,I still keep it around in hopes to see what becomes of the app.

    Still want to see user response on Brain Wave sequencer iPad app! Such a nice looking gui,higher price now doesn't seem so bad after dropping the same amount for FL mobile. Perhaps one of the podcasts can connect with the developer and you guys can work out the app. I think it is just a single developer in Europe. I always find it hard to drop that kind of money on an "untested" app. Cheers

  2. It is in the U.S Amazon store ... I have the NanoKontrol and the NanoPad 1 .... trying to decide on buying the NanoKey 2 .... I've heard so much negative about the NanoKey 1 .... do you think they improved and listened to the complaints?

  3. After watching this youtube review on the NanoKey 2 ... I decided to buy. $49. at Amazon

  4. I wish Alesis would say that IODock was now shipping. :(

    I can't believe sweetwater got them in and sold out of them so quick.

    But these Korg ones do look nice! :)


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